From the Head of Junior School

We have started the term with a buzz of excitement centring on our NAIDOC Week activities. We opened the week with some of our Indigenous students sharing what NAIDOC Week means to them and how they celebrate culture as a family. We concluded with a range of workshops for our Junior School students involving weaving, tasting traditional food, dancing, language learning, music and art. Our friends at Hilllvue Public School in the Cultural Dance Group performed some traditional dances for us, which had us in awe. They were amazing!
Micah 6:8 reminds us that,
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you?To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
This term promises to be full of wonderful learning opportunities: Year 3 and Year 4 go on Camp, Year 1 have their Sleepover at school, Book Week lands in the middle of term alongside the Week of Wellbeing and Grandparents Day occurs towards the end of term. There are many things to be excited about.
Finally, on a personal note, my husband Adam and I are expecting twins in November, which promises to be a very exciting time for us. I hope to be able to see out the remainder of Term 3 before taking time off for Maternity Leave.
Have a great week and a wonderful Term 3.
lClaire Smith
Head of Junior School