From the Chaplain

Run life’s race with God
If you’re getting ready for the annual Tamworth Running Festival next weekend, or if you’ve ever entered Sydney’s City To Surf (on the weekend after!), it’s a safe assumption that you’ve done a fair bit of running in the past weeks and months – that is, if you’re seriously taking part in the race! A couple of jogs round the block and a bit of a stretch before the start really doesn’t cut it – though that might be enough for some of the “competitors” who are mainly committed to the ‘fun run’ part of those events. It’s safe to say that these participants won’t be among the leading finishers – and for more reasons than the gorilla or superhero costumes they might be wearing. Without proper training, running all those kilometres at any sort of decent pace (or perhaps just the idea of running!) is out of the question…
For the Olympic Games that began last weekend, you can be confident that all those competing have been committing most of their waking hours to training, training…and more training! But it won’t have just been lots of training – it’ll have been the righttraining. The gymnasts won’t have practised treading water and throwing balls with the water polo team. The swimmers won’t have been riding horses around the equestrian centre. The basketballers won’t have been working on their bow and arrow skills at the archery range. And the wrestlers certainly won’t have been trying to clear pole vault heights! Just doing some type of training isn’t enough; if it’s not the sort of training that will get you in the best condition for your particular competition, then it’s no help to you at all.
The same thing applies for anyone who seeks to run life’s race in the way that God, our Maker and our Lord, calls us to do: getting the right sort of training matters. But how do you know what to do to run this race well? Fortunately, God hasn’t left us to figure that out on our own; He’s left us with the “training manual” of His Word, and the best possible Trainer, who (as one of His earliest followers said) has ‘the words of eternal life.’ (John 6:68)
One of the best ways that we can support all the people, and events, that are part of Calrossy is through bringing them all before our God in prayer.
It’s always a great encouragement to have the chance to do this together; so please check out the information in this Newsletter about our Community Prayer Breakfast for Term 3, to which all members of the Calrossy community are welcome – students, staff, parents, Board members, friends! The main details are:
Date: Friday 9th August
Time: 7.30-8.15am
Place: Room 108 Brisbane Street Campus
We look forward to seeing you there!