
Menu Term 1 

Please review the meal deal and loaded potato options available for Term 1. Orders can be placed via the canteen app before 9am. All families should have received their access key for the Sentral Parent Portal, which allows you to access the Student Pay+ tile and complete online purchases for the canteen or uniforms. If you have not received your access key or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Sentral Parent Portal 

Not yet registered? Click the below link to register now!

Portal Login

Student Pay Plus (Canteen/Uniform)

To access the canteen stores, open the Sentral for Parents App on your mobile device.

  • Open the Sentral for Parents App on your mobile device.
  • Click on Canteen or Uniforms tile, depending on where you are looking to navigate.
  • The first time you click on these tiles you will be asked to either:
  • Link Existing Account: Select this option if you have already registered with
  • StudentPayPlus. You will be asked to enter your login credentials.
  • Create New Account: If you are a new user of StudentPayPlus click this option. Your
  • children will be automatically added to StudentPayPlus (from the Sentral for Parents school you accessed the Canteen or Uniform link from).
  • You should now be in your StudentPayPlus account. If you are experiencing issues with this process, contact StudentPayPlus Support on or 1300 11 66 37

Funding your children’s wallets

  • 1. To add funds to your child/children’s wallet, by clicking the 3 dots (ellipses), and       selecting Add Meal funds:
  • 2. Enter amount and card details, and address. You can set the card details as your primary billing account, which means it will be saved for future processing. Click Continue button.

Create Canteen Order

  • Select new order, select the serving period (recess/lunch), click next, select the date required, choose menu item, select add to cart, select checkout, review & submit order. All orders must be placed by 9am.