Visual Arts


St Patrick’s Whole School Art Collaboration


Dear Families, 


In the lead up to Harmony Week, I am asking for your help to make some paper cranes to send to school for a whole school art collaboration. 


This week, your children will come home with instructions and two pieces of special origami paper. I am asking each family to spend some time together making paper cranes, which will be used for an art piece at school.


A symbol of peace, love, hope and healing, this paper crane collaboration is one that relies upon everyone contributing so please have the paper cranes completed and returned to classroom teachers by Wednesday 5th March.


Thank you for your support of this project.


Jen Brown

Visual Arts Teacher 


Instructions are at the link below, including diagrams at each step. Origami is easier and most effective when creases are firm, creating clean sharp edges for the next fold. Paper can be folded either way to show the plain coloured side or the patterned side.







Art Smocks

Children require an art smock to be brought to and kept at school for the year. Classroom teachers will collect this early in term one. Please ensure smocks are clearly named.



On occasions, I will ask for donations and assistance, particularly leading up to the Arts Festival late in term 3. Please keep an eye on the newsletter for updates.


Jen Brown

Visual Arts Teacher