Scotsburn News 

Term 1 Important Dates

Prep Rest Days

Wednesday 19 February

Wednesday 26 February

Scotsburn Assemblies (3pm in the Shed)

Friday 21 February

Friday 28 March

Meet and Greet Wednesday 19 February
Whole School Assemblies @ Buninyong (9am)

Friday 28 February

Friday 4 April

Interhouse Athletics (Grades 3-6)Wednesday 5 March
SC1 Teddy Bear Picnic @ ScotsburnFriday 7 March
Labor Day Public HolidayMonday 10 March
NAPLAN (Grade 3 and 5)Wednesday 11 March - Friday 14 March
Grade 6 F1 Grand Prix ExcursionFriday 14 March
FeteFriday 21 March
Grade 3 CampMonday 24 March - Tuesday 25 March
Grade 4 CampTuesday 25 March - Wednesday 26 March
District AthleticsWednesday 26 March
Interhouse Cross CountryTuesday 1 April
Last Day of Term 1 (2.30pm finish)Friday 4 April

Thank You!

Thank you everyone for your flexibility last Thursday with our move to Buninyong for the day due to extreme weather conditions. We have worked really hard over the last few years to ensure that these days run as smoothly as possible, with last Thursday being no exception. We managed to maintain our regular specialist program with Ms Middlin which was great and the students had a really enjoyable day. Fingers crossed that this will be the last of the extreme days this fire season.

Scotsburn Assembly this Friday

We will hold our second Scotsburn assembly for the year this Friday in the shed, at 3pm. Our first assembly a few weeks ago kicked the year off to a great start, with our Grade 6 leaders doing a wonderful job organising and presenting. We had a nice turn out of parents and we look forward to seeing even more in attendance this week. See you there!

Scotsburn Grade 6 Students!

How good do our Scotsburn Grade 6 students look in their new Grade 6 Jackets! A huge congratulations to Amity, Ana, Oisin, Matthew, Will and Milaan for making such a wonderful start to 2025 and for being such wonderful role models around the campus.

Family Groups 

What a fantastic start to our family groups. The cooking group cooked up Fried Rice to celebrate the Chinese New Year. And as a second course made heart shaped pancakes to celebrate Valentine's Day, topped with fresh fruit and heart shaped strawberries. Lots of things to celebrate and it all looked very delicious. With the beautiful weather continuing, the sustainability group got outside to do some watering, mulching and cleaning up of the chicken coop. Our chickens are loving their refreshed and clean home!

Scotsburn Meet and Greet - Continuing Wednesday 19th February

Thanks to those families who attended the meet and greet sessions on Monday. We have our second afternoon of bookings tomorrow afternoon. These meetings continue to be a wonderful opportunity to catch up and plan for a successful year for each student at the school. If you didn't manage to book a time and would still love to come in for a catch up, please contact one of your child’s teachers. They will be more than happy to schedule in a time over the next week or so that suits you.  


The Fete is slowly but surely sneaking up on us, with the big day being Friday 21st March. We have now confirmed our Scotsburn stalls, with SC1 Running a BBQ and SC2 running the Pulled Pork Rolls stand. These stalls should run very smoothly as we were able to run both these at the last fete in 2023. All ordering and preparation should be taken care of, however we will definitely be requiring lots of assistance on the night. Next week we will send out a volunteer roster for both stalls. 


We will also have some fun with the students over the next few weeks, helping with promotion of both stalls. We can’t wait! 

As mentioned in last week’s newsletter our Year 3 and 5 students have NAPLAN coming up later this term - see the table below for dates and times. 


For Scotsburn families, please speak to Mr Morgan if you have any questions regarding NAPLAN.



NAPLAN WritingWednesday March 12th 9:30am
NAPLAN ReadingThursday March 13th 9:30am
NAPLAN Conventions of LanguageFriday March 14th 9:30am
NAPLAN NumeracyMonday March 17th 9:30am

All students will require headphones that are compatible with their device, as all NAPLAN tests are completed online apart from Grade 3 Writing.  Please ensure that you have this organised prior to NAPLAN week.

SC1 Learning Snapshot 

Another wonderful week of learning in SC1, even with our relocation on Thursday. The students did such an amazing job with their learning showing resilience and adaptability to be wonderful learners.


In Spelling, students have adapted back into the rigour of our spelling program. A large part of our spelling lessons is saying and hearing the sounds. If we are pronouncing words/sounds correctly we have the ability to choose the correct spelling choice. Students are doing a marvellous job of this.  


In Maths, students have continued to look at Data. Students have enjoyed collecting data by asking their peers about their favourite subjects or foods to collect and represent using tally marks.


It has been wonderful to see such a successful start to our take home reading program and also our homework program.  The children are keen to put a reward system in place. So this week we will be discussing and finalising our goal to aim for by the end of this term. Stay tuned for this!


Have a wonderful week,


Chelsea and Beth

SC2 Learning Snapshot

Another wonderful week has been had in SC2, with it feeling like we have been together as a class for much longer than 3 weeks! The students have managed to create such a strong culture in such a small period of time, which is a credit to each and every one of them. 

Over the past week in Writing, we have been spending some time looking at how we can take our narrative writing from “simple to sensational”. Some strategies that the students have been using to uplevel their writing has included adding description through using adjectives, adverbs and the 5 senses, as well as adding dialogue into their stories. We certainly have some talented writers on our hands!


In Maths, we have been looking at interpreting data, in particular looking and dot plots and line graphs. We have also been spending time embedding the routine of our daily reviews into the beginning of our sessions, which is assisting students’ automaticity skills. 


For our Grade 3 and 4 families, please keep an eye out over the next week on compass for details regarding both the Grade 3 and 4 camps, which are to be held later this term. 

Have another awesome week everyone,


Jarrod and Liz

Scotsburn Intercampus Travel

At times, Scotsburn students will be transported between campuses in order to attend classes, assemblies, special days and events. On most occasions, transport required through the day will be by bus and occasionally private car for smaller groups of students. Parents may be asked to drop off or collect from the Buninyong campus if sessions are at the beginning or ending of a day.

We will always let you know of any upcoming travel arrangements via our newsletter, Compass, or via phone for smaller, more specific travel arrangements. 

If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding intercampus travel, please contact your child’s teacher.

Staff Contacts

Mr Morgan:

Mrs Murphy:

Ms Connor:

Mrs Morgan:

Ms Middlin:


The Scotsburn Team