Excursions/Events & School Start Bonus
Tim Chapman, Business Manager
Excursions/Events & School Start Bonus
Tim Chapman, Business Manager
Cut-off dates for payment and consent for events such as camps, excursions and sport competitions are published on Compass Events with a notification sent via email to families. Students are also reminded by their teachers about events and when payment and consent must be received.
Due dates for consent and payments are set by the school to assist us in meeting our financial and duty of care requirements for each event. In support of meeting these obligations, we will not extend due dates for events or take late payments.
If payment or consent is not received by the due date, your child will not be able to participate in the event and will be supervised by teachers at school.
Please note that if you intend to use the School Saving Bonus (SSB) to pay for an event, you will need to use the SSB portal to allocate money to School Activities at least three days prior to the due date. Please see instructions for using the SSB for school activities below.
If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact the Office Manager or Business Manager to discuss alternative arrangements on 9735 1133 or by emailing lilydale.heights.co@education.vic.gov.au.
If you would like to use the School Saving Bonus (SSB) to pay for an event, please take the following steps:
1. Access the SSB Portal using the link and code provided to you by email from the Department of Education
2. Click on “School Activities” and select the amount you would like to allocate (you can only allocate to School Activities in multiples of $50)
3. Email SSB@lilydaleheights.vic.edu.au stating “I would like to use the SSB to pay for <full student name> to attend <name of event>".
Once your transaction from the SSB Portal has imported into your school account (this process can take 2-3 days) and we have received your emailed instruction, we will mark your student as “Paid” in the Compass Event and will email you to let you know.
As a final step, parents/carers then need to access the Event on Compass to complete the mandatory questions and provide consent (this cannot be done until the Event is marked as "Paid").
A guide to using the School Saving Bonus Portal is available here: https://content.sdp.education.vic.gov.au/media/school-saving-bonus-system-guide-for-parents-and-carers-2975
Please do not tick the box in Compass to pay via CSEF or credit balance unless you have been approved for CSEF funding and would like to use it to pay for an event.
To discuss further payment options or for assistance accessing Compass, please call 9735 1133 or visit the General Office between 8:15am and 4:15pm.