Athena Aligizakis
Athena Aligizakis
Welcome back to all students! We’re looking forward to working with you all this year. A big welcome back to Ms Courtney Jordan to teaching and Careers. I am available Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays until 3.00pm in the Careers Office in the Library. Ms Jordan is teaching and helping in Careers and is at school every day except Thursday. Please see your Learning Leader if you need to speak to Ms Jordan in the interim.
This term sees our Year 10's begin their search for work experience placements. If you are not sure where to look for employment, need some advice on how to present your applications or how to make a call to a prospective employer, please let your teachers know so that you can make an appointment to see me, or you are most welcome to swing past the Careers Office during recess or lunch.
We have also started receiving updated course brochures for Universities and TAFEs; the brochures will all be in the Library near the Careers Office. All Universities and TAFEs have digital versions, so if we don’t have a current one in the Library you can locate one on the institution’s website. VTAC are also releasing their new and improved portal for VTAC applications for our Year 12 students. More on that as the year rolls on.
There are also so many Careers events happening before term ends. I have listed them all below. Any questions? Just let me know.
Year 10 work experience week is 12th to 16th May 2025. If you haven’t started looking, now is the time to do so. There are some opportunities listed further down in the newsletter.
Here are some tips for looking for an employer, before you ring or drop in to see them:
Decide what it is you want and why you want to work for a particular employer. Doing some research impresses them when you call.
Think about the places you can ask or where you can look. Can you ask your parents? Family? Friends? Search on the internet?
Avoid emailing employers. Ring them or drop in, they love it when young people use their initiative.
Practice what you will say when you see them and what you will ask them. If you can tell them why you want to work with them you’ll have better prospects.
Note that our work experience dates are 12 May to 16 May; employers will need to know this. If they offer a different week that suits their business, ask your Learning Leaders if this is ok - they will support you if they can.
If you get a “no” from an employer, don’t give up, that just wasn’t the right place for you. Keep going until you find something, because you will.
If you need some suggestions and ideas, send me an email to request to see me through your teachers.
Work Experience Program with Yarra Ranges Technical School (YRTS), Lilydale (12-14 May 2025 during Work Experience Week)
An opportunity has arisen for Year 10 students who are interested in hands on learning experiences through STEM activities, technology, problem-solving and design, to explore the manufacturing industry through the YRTS Work Experience Program. This opportunity is available to students who are interested in manufacturing, engineering, STEM careers or who would like to explore what these careers are about. The lucky students will be met by bus at school and will be taken to YRTS for work experience for the three days, one of those days visiting a manufacturing employer. If would like to be considered for this program, please email your interest to Ms Aligizakis in Careers.
Aspbergers Victoria
Teen Work Placement Program – Work Experience
Our ILC funded teen work placement program provides a staged approach to support teens with their introduction to the world of work through work experience. Our program is co-designed by our lived experience co-design team with team members from across the autistic community all with autistic lived experience and employment expertise. We created this program when our research revealed our autistic teens were missing out on the wonderful insight and essential skills work experience can provide them so they are work ready when they leave school. This is not a therapy-based program but one that highlights teen strengths, capabilities and ways to manage their challenges for the world of work and also for school. The program's work placements are during the second week of the April school holidays.
Expression of Interest for 2025 are now open.
Please click on the following link if you would like to know more/apply for the Teen Work Know-How Program: Expression of Interest 2025
Work Experience at Parliament House
Expressions of interest for Terms 1 & 2, 2025 are now closed. Expressions of interest for placements in Terms 3 & 4 2025 will close at 5:00pm on Friday 1 August. Expressions of interest to complete a work experience placement at the Parliament of Victoria in Terms 3 and 4, 2025 are now open. Please encourage interested students to visit our website and lodge an expression of interest via the online link:
Students can choose between two programs, Sitting and Services - placements are open to students in Victorian schools who are residents of Victoria and are aged 15 years or over at the time of the placement. We endeavour to choose students from a mixture of government, independent and Catholic schools, from metropolitan and regional areas, and of all gender identities. Parliamentary Sitting placements provide the opportunity to see the law-making process up close. Students will go behind the scenes with the staff who directly support the sittings of Parliament to get a deeper understanding of our democratic processes. Parliamentary Services placements offer a variety of opportunities that can be matched with a broad range of student interests and career goals, including business operations, facilities management and maintenance, broadcast (Hansard) and hospitality (kitchen). All students will notified of the outcome of their expression of interest by Friday 22 August.
Get all the details at Work experience at Parliament House - Parliament of Victoria
Defence Work Experience Program
The Defence Work Experience Program provides secondary students from Years 10 to 12 with the opportunity to experience a wide range of careers available in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and the Australian Public Service (APS). The program is offering a variety of placements in Victoria this year, with a range of career focuses, as provided below. For more information, please visit the Defence Work Experience Program Job List website. Please remember to check the Jobs List website regularly for newly advertised placements.
A Day in the Navy – Guided Tours: HMAS Cerberus
Guided tours designed specifically for students with an interest in the Navy
Location: HMAS Cerberus, VIC
Tour Dates: 7 April 2025
Bookings: This event is not advertised online. Please refer to attached PDF for bookings and further details.
Link to book: Book via the QR code below.
Introduction to Navy: HMAS Cerberus (April)
A program designed specifically for students with an interest in the Navy.
Location: HMAS Cerberus, VIC
Placement Dates: 29 April - 01 May 2025
Applications close: 11:30pm Sunday 16 March 2025
Link to apply: Introduction to Navy: HMAS Cerberus (April)
Army Trade Familiarisation (Engineering, Electrical and Health): Bandiana
A program designed specifically for students with an interest in Engineering, Electrical Trades and Health careers in the Army
Location: Bandiana, VIC
Placement Date: 20 May 2025
Applications close: 11:30pm Sunday 23 March 2025
Link to apply: Army Trade Familiarisation (Engineering, Electrical and Health): Bandiana
Joint Military Police Unit Overview: Simpson Barracks
Showcasing careers with the Joint Military Police Unit (Tri-service)
Location: Macleod, VIC
Placement Date: 14 May 2025
Applications close: 11:30pm Sunday 23 March 2025
Link to apply: Joint Military Police Unit Overview: Simpson Barracks
STEM Immersion Week: Fishermans Bend (June)
Showcasing various STEM careers
Location: Port Melbourne, VIC
Placement Dates: 30 June - 4 July 2025
Applications close: 11:30pm Sunday 4 May 2025
Link to apply: STEM Immersion Week: Fishermans Bend (June)
Introduction to Navy: HMAS Cerberus (Overnight Placement) (July)
A program designed specifically for students with an interest in the Navy.
Location: HMAS Cerberus, VIC
Placement Dates: 28 July – 01 August 2025
Applications close: 11:30pm Sunday 1 June 2025
Link to apply: Introduction to Navy: HMAS Cerberus (Overnight Placement) (July)
Day in the Life of a Medic/Nurse: Bandiana
A program focussing on the role of Medic/Nurse the Army
Location: Bandiana, VIC
Placement Date: 29 October 2025
Applications close: 11:30pm Sunday 31 August 2025
Link to apply: Day in the Life of a Medic/Nurse: Bandiana
STEM Immersion Week: Fishermans Bend (November)
Showcasing various STEM careers
Location: Port Melbourne, VIC
Placement Dates: 24 - 28 November 2025
Applications close: 11:30pm Sunday 28 September 2025
Link to apply: STEM Immersion Week: Fishermans Bend (November)
Australian Army Band Melbourne: Simpson Barracks
A program designed specifically for students with an interest in musician roles in the Army
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Placement Dates: Multiple opportunities throughout 2025 - to be negotiated
Applications close: 11:30pm Sunday 9 November 2025
Link to apply: Australian Army Band Melbourne: Simpson Barracks
In addition, applicants may apply for interstate placements, however please refer to travel and accommodation details in the placement information packs.
If you have any questions regarding the Defence Work Experience Program, please email
Structured Workplace Learning
A reminder to our VCE-VM students that Fridays can be used for your work placement days (or Wednesdays if you go to TAFE on a Friday). If you haven’t started looking and not sure where to start, the School to Work Portal is a great place to look for placements with employers who have already indicated their interest in taking students.
The School to Work Portal can be found here
Well done to Xander D., who did very well in Week 1 of VET Horticulture, as he started excavating to build a retaining wall as his class project for Term 1.
VTAC Course Search and Prerequisite search here:
VTAC's CourseSearch and VCE Prerequisite Explorer
IENA (International Exchange of North America) SUMMER CAMP
Who should take up the opportunity to work at Summer Camp?
Students wanting to take a gap year before starting University/College or TAFE
Students wanting to work overseas while at or once they graduate University/College or TAFE.
Students who are unsure what they want to do once they finish Year 12.
Students who want to experience working at a Summer Camp in America (which is a lot like the movies) and make a positive impact in the lives of children.
Students who will be at least 18 by early June 2026. Note: Students can apply while they are still 17.
Program Details / What Summer Camp Employers look for:
Anyone who is fun, enthusiastic and passionate about helping, being a role model and leader to children (8-15).
Anyone looking to gain leadership, professional development and work-related skills in teaching, outdoor ed, disability studies, human movement, social/community/youth work, event planning, tourism/hospitality (to mention just a few).
Anyone who loves participating in any sports, performing arts, arts/crafts, water activities, outdoor adventure, horse riding, gymnastics, extreme sports. In fact camps offer over 200 non-academic activities and hire staff who just love participating, leading or coaching any of these.
Anyone who wants to gain life skills. Working at camp and traveling gives many students a better grasp on what they want to do with their future and become more focused and committed (which is great if heading to Uni). Their communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity skills have also greatly improved and they have better global understanding, as well as developing their growth and maturity.
Available to work for at least nine weeks, May/June to August/September (Northern Hemisphere summer).
For more details, please see Ms. Aligizakis in Careers.
Chancellor's and Narrm Scholars welcomed to UniMelb
The Melbourne Chancellor’s Scholarship offers fee remissions and a guaranteed place in coveted graduate programs, including the Doctor of Medicine and Juris Doctor (Law), for high-achieving students who meet the prerequisites. Students are also awarded up to $2500 to study overseas through an Exchange or Study Abroad program. The Narrm Scholarship is now in its second year. Recipients of this scholarship will be welcomed to campus through a pre-orientation camp in February.
Hansen Scholarship online information sessions
Students, families and teachers are invited to learn more about the Hansen Scholarship Program. Worth over $108,000, this scholarship offers fully-funded accommodation at Little Hall, a living allowance and tailored mentorship through your undergraduate degree at Melbourne. Applications are open now to Year 12 students looking to start their undergraduate degree in 2026. Join us for an online information session on Thursday 13 March. Hear from the program director and current Hansen Scholars, who'll share their experiences and provide tips on submitting a competitive application by the 31 March 2025 deadline.
Girls’ Programming Network
The Girls' Programming Network is a vibrant community of women and girls passionate about computer science, programming and tech. Fun, hands-on workshops are run every school term for high school girls, where they've coded awesome games, created interactive websites and even taken apart computers to see what’s inside. We invite students to join in the fun so we can explore the world of tech together.
Yagilaith applications open
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Year 11 and 12 students are encouraged to apply for Murrup Barak's on-campus program, Yagilaith. Yagilaith is an opportunity to come and experience what it is like studying at the University and live at a residential college. The program will take place during the Victorian school holidays on Monday 7 July to Friday 11 July 2025 with all-expenses paid.
Upcoming events
Discover our newly launched events for your students, including general info sessions, course deep dives, and campus tours.
VCE Revision Program
The Monash Virtual School offers free online revision for Year 11 and 12 VCE students across STEM subjects, delivered by Monash pre-service teachers.
YEAR 9-12
Victoria Police & Monash University are hosting a special online info session for students interested in the Bachelor of Criminology & Policing—and we’d love for you to join us.
🔎 What to Expect:
✅ Career opportunities with Victoria Police✅ Insights into the recruitment process (starting in 2nd year!)✅ Course structure & pathways directly from a Monash Senior Lecturer ✅ A first-hand information from Constable Jonathan Bingley, a graduate of this degree✅ What to expect at the Victoria Police Academy
📅 Event Details:
🗓 When: Wednesday, 19 March 2025💻 Where: Online – link sent on the day⏰ Time: 12:00PM – 1:00PM
This is also a great opportunity for career advisors and teachers to learn what pathways and study options are available for students post schooling! 🔗 Reserve Your Spot Now: Inside the Bachelor of Criminology & Policing Degree – VicPol & Monash Uni Tickets, Wed, Mar 19, 2025 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite