
Laura Morley

Year 12 VCE Art Creative Practice – Unit 3 Personal Investigation:

Our Unit 3 students have all selected a personal area of interest to explore for their art based of a selected artist as an inspirational starting point. From this they are encouraged to develop their own investigation for their art. They have been busy researching, experimenting and critically reflecting and documenting their creative practice. Mistakes are encouraged as part of the learning process and the annotation/documentation of this is a huge part of their investigation that contributes to their final results. Here are some photos of their initial experiments/artworks so far.


Year 11 Art Creative Practice – Unit 1: Investigation of Sculpture

Our Unit 1 students have started off the year exploring the theme of ‘Identity’ through the art form of sculpture.    Our students have worked with clay and Mod Roc Plaster, as well as just starting to work with wire. Here are some of their initial results from their clay and plaster work.


Yr 10 Photography: Traditional Darkroom Processes

Our Year 10 photography students have been learning how to use a manual SLR camera, expose and develop a black and white film and take better digital photos, as well as exploring pinhole photography.  Students have also developed an understanding of how important time and light are to photography and how they can manipulate these elements in their own photos. Here are some of their results so far.


Year 8 VCD: One Point Perspective

Our Year 8 Design students have started their exploration of technical drawing through the method of one point perspective. They are learning the importance of the ruler for guiding the lines and adding to the accuracy of their work, as well as applying rendering skills for a realistic appearance. Here are some of their mid-way results so far.


Year 7 Art – Photogram Exploration

Our Year 7 students have started on their art journey by exploring how to create a photogram and communicate a selected theme. We started with a pre-test on the theme of ‘Balance’ to assess our initial level of understanding for our learning pathway in Art and we have then started exploring a theme of our choice in our next trial photograms. Here are some of the results so far.