
Bryce Denny

Literacy: Reading at Year 7  

This year sees the beginning of a more strategic and multi-faceted approach to supporting the reading needs of all our Year 7 students. We have curriculum packed with reading and writing skills and we have refined our Learning Pathways to ensure we hit the needs of all our cohort. We were also delighted to see such a strong performance in our PAT reading tests held at the beginning of the year. From this data we have learned that we have a strong cohort of readers and we’re excited to work with them! 


This year we are also introducing a reading program for almost 50 Year 7 students. These students will come to a special program twice a week where we’ll drill down to word decoding and comprehension. We’ll also be holding a bit of a poll with these students to give the program a name they like, so stay tuned for that. The most exciting part of this program is the opportunity for students to connect with others and our school culture and generally have a bit of fun with reading. 


The Literacy Team has worked hard to bring this researched based program to the College and it is a pleasure to work with them and to experience their professionalism, humour and willingness to push our curriculum to such an advanced level.  Thank you!