Year 10

Jane Scobie

It’s been such a positive start to the year for our cohort of Year 10 students, who have done a wonderful job of demonstrating our school Values of Excellence, Respect and Responsibility. It has been very pleasing to see students begin to enthusiastically organise placements for the upcoming work experience in Term 2. Our Careers Councillor Athena Aligizakis, SELF teachers and Year 10 Team are wonderful supports for students who are feeling apprehensive or unsure about placements. 


Stimulated Learning in English

Our students have begun the year with a creative writing unit that has trialled some stimulated learning activities such as student-led literature circles. This collaborative style of learning enables students to apply their knowledge and skills in different contexts with a variety of peers. We look forward to including more of this engaging learning for students in our classrooms.


Upcoming events:

Swimming Carnival

Outdoor Ed Mountain Biking

Outdoor Ed Cathedrals overnight camp

Intermediate Sport

21 March Work Experience forms due