Teaching & Learning

Kelly Taylor

Launching Learning Pathways


What are Learning Pathways? 

A Learning tool written as a series of I can statements, Learning Pathways outline a clear sequence of skills to students, teachers and parents.    They empower students to take ownership of their learning by setting goals, providing feedback on their achievements and outlining their next steps.


Who will be using Learning Pathways?

In 2025 Learning Pathways will be implemented in all Year 7 and 8 classes. You may also see them in some classes in Years 9 to 12.


How will LHC use Learning Pathways?

Students will be provided with a Learning Pathway at the beginning of a unit and their learning and assessment will align with the Pathway. Our focus will be on growth and goal setting, with students receiving feedback throughout the unit, including during a Learning Pathway Progress Task.     Unlike traditional assessment and feedback which typically occurred at the end of a unit, our aim is to provide students with feedback early and throughout the unit. This will give students time to use the feedback to demonstrate learning growth.     Students will use their Learning Pathways as an ongoing tool during lessons to reflect on skills they’ve mastered and to identify the next steps in their learning. Due to the written feedback occurring throughout the unit, CATs will no longer feature written feedback for Years 7 and 8 students. 


How can I support my child?

When your child receives feedback on their Learning Pathway, ask them to point out their growth on the pathway and identify their next steps for improvement.


What does a Learning Pathway look like?

Learning Pathways may look slightly different across faculty areas, however the concept of progression of skills remains the same. Like a pathway the journey starts at the bottom and students work their way to the top. Here are some examples:


You can find more information on Learning Pathways by watching this video: