Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School



Principal:                         Kevin Oakey








Assistant Principal:     Kellie Stewart









Assistant Principal:     Scott Zachariassen





2025 Parent Liaisons

This is a new initiative, recommended as a part of the Communications Strategy developed last year.

I would like to thank the following parents for agreeing to be the 2025 Parent Liaisons:

2025 Parent Liaisons
FoundationHelen WYMOND
Level 1Kate MORSELLO
Level 2Prudence BOOTH
Level 3Sofie BOSTON
Level 4Stacey REID
Level 5Samantha BROOKS
Level 6James SULLEY

An email has been sent to all families to advise of these Parent Liaisons and to provide their contact details. I also sent a copy of the Communications Strategy so that all parents are aware of the expectations the school has. 

Please don't hesitate to reach out to these contacts.

Important Reminders:

Early Arrival: We ask that parents ensure that their children DO NOT arrive at school before 8.30am. This morning we had over 30 children in the office at 8.20am. There is no yard supervision to protect your children if they are school too early. Please be respectful of this regulation.

2 minutes zone: These zones are for drop-off only, you CANNOT park in these spaces before and after school. When these spots are blocked with someone who parks and leaves, the traffic banks up horribly. Again, please be respectful of these regulation and do the right thing.

Hats and Uniform: Term 1 is hat time and all students MUST be wearing a hats to be in the playground. Please ensure your child has an appropriate school hat

Similarly, please ensure that school uniform is correct - particularly ensuring correct socks and headwear.

Building and Grounds Works

The works on the Creative Play area between the ELC and PA room is starting on Monday, inluding new retaining walls, shade sails and creative games and activities. There will be some inconvenience for the next 2 weeks, but we hope the results will look great and be a fun space for kids to play.

2025 Parent Contributions

All the Building and Grounds works above is a really good highlight of how we spend the Parent Donations to ensure the school is looking in great shape and is safe and well resourced for our students.

If you haven't done anything with the Parent Contribution for 2025 can I please ask that you consider if you can make some or all of the school contributions.  These resources are vital to the school and are used to provide the extended curriculum here at Jells Park PS and we greatly appreciate your support. Pleae log into your SENTRAL account.

Swimming Program

In 2025 we have made a few changes to the Swimming Program. Foundation/1/2 will be attending Swimworld in Glen Waverley and Level 3/4/5/6 will continue at Caulfield Grammar. These changes are a result of review and feedback, :

  • We had issues with the pool platforms at Caulfield and Swimworld has a shallower pool for the smaller children
  • Swimland has warmer water for the younger children
  • We have a dedicated changeroom at Swimworld, which was a challenge at Caulfield when kids needed support changing
  • Caulfield could not accomodate all the dates we wanted.

We realise that this increases the cost for Foundation/1/2 parents as we now have to incude bus costs, so we have weighted the subsidy from the Education Department to provide a little more subsidy to the F-2 Swimming Program. 

School Council

Please see the Notice for School Council in 'School News' of this newsletter. 

As always we are interested in parent contribution and involvement in the operations of the school. Please consider being part of School Council.

Commitment to Child Safety

Jells Park PS is committed to providing an environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe. We have Child Safe Policies that aim to ensure that protecting children and young people from harm and abuse is part of the our everyday culture, thinking and practice.

These policies are included on our website and will be continually revised to ensure thay reflect current practice.


Kevin Oakey



Biderup Dry Season

Most people are familiar with the four seasons of Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer, but there are 7 seasons recognised by the people of the Kulin nation. Each of these seasons are described according to the movement of the stars, changes in our local environment, species behaviour and weather patterns. We are approaching the end of Biderup, the dry season (Jan-Feb). Biderup is an active time for butterflies and insects and you may observe the Common Brown butterfly fluttering between native plants and grasses in and around Jells Park. Another feature of Biderup can be observed in the sky, with the Southern Cross high in the south at Sunrise. If you or your child would like to know more about the different Kulin calendar seasons please use this link - Eastern Kulin Seasonal Calendar - Bunjilaka


This year Ramadan will commence around the 28th February, the exact date will be determined by the sighting of the moon. This is a time for fasting, reflection, prayer and community for Muslims around the world. Many members of the JPPS community observe Ramadan and take part in refraining from eating and drinking during daylight hours. Muslims believe the act of Ramadan brings a closer connection to God and reminds us of the suffering of those less fortunate. We wish all JPPS students, staff and families participating in Ramadan the very best.

Please shut the gates

Can I please ask parents, carers and members of our community to be vigilant around shutting the gates when coming into and out of the school during the day. We have new signs on display (with permanent signs coming) to help remind and prompt visitors and hope that together we can keep our students safe by ensuring the gates are closed.


Have a wonderful weekend!

Kellie Stewart

Assistant Principal