
Mr. John Ryan - Deputy Principal

New Uniform Guidelines Uniform 2025

The College has been working through the consultation process of developing new uniform guidelines. Two new features which require your attention are:


1. The uniform at MMCRC will now be a twelve-month-a-year uniform. This allows for students to wear uniforms commensurate with the weather being experienced


2. A breach system is being proposed for removable and non-removable items.


Late last year I sent a message via PAM to look at the new uniform guidelines for 2025. 


The College is working through phases of development see chart below


We are currently in Phase 8


Phase 1

Development of guidelines with the Senior Wellbeing team


Phase 2

Draft discussed with Leadership Team


Phase 3

Draft further discussed with the Wellbeing Team


Phase 4

Further review with Policy and Planning Team


Phase 5

Draft to be discussed with Advisory Council


Phase 6

Draft to be shared with MMCRC staff


Phase 7

Draft version sent via PAM to all parents for feedback


Phase 8

Draft version worked through with all Students via the Student Mission Team 

In progress                        

Phase 9

Final draft prepared for leadership

To be completed

Phase 10

Guidelines published for access to all MMCRC community

To be completed


Project Rockit March Incursion MMCRC

Later this term the College will invite Project Rockit to work with our students in Years 7-9. The programs to be offered will be as follows:

 Term 1Term 2/3 
Years 7 & 8 


  • Empowers students to create a culture that challenges bullying behaviour, both online and in person. Students are equipped with socially credible strategies to take action and unite together, instead of standing by watching.


  • Elevates students with confidence and resilience to take positive action at school, in the community and wider world, through exploration of leadership values and decision-making.
Year 9


  • An exploration of the positive potential of technology, up- skilling students with online skills to build connected communities, support wellbeing and navigate harmful experiences.


  • A powerful development opportunity for more senior students, on the topics of diversity, prejudice, discrimination and unconscious bias.