Room 2
Foundation - Year 2
Room 2
Foundation - Year 2
Over the last couple of weeks we have been practicing our writing, reading and numeracy. We are still getting into the swing of our new routines but have enjoyed experiencing our full timetable which includes Sports, Science, MARC Van, Art, Inquiry (Needs and Wants), Social and Emotional Learning (Respectful Relationships), Literacy and Numeracy. School is a busy place!!
In Writing we have been listening to different stories and responding using drawings and simple sentences.
Not a box inspired us to draw our own picture and use our imagination for it to become 'not a box'.
We had fun imagining the different things that could be under our beds. We copied our sentence starter then we labelled our drawings.
We have been learning how we can keep track of what we are reading in a book. We created special finger pointers we can use when we are reading to help us know what word we are looking, plus, it makes it a little big of fun!
We practise counting to 100 every day. This term we are investigating place value and the value of digits that make up the numbers we say and count. This week students play 'race to 100'. Making bundles of 10 and learning that 10 ones make 1 ten, and 10 tens make one hundred.
This song's tune is so catchy that it makes us remember place value, we have fun watching and singing along.
Respectful Relationships
We are learning about emotions and how these can be shown through our body language. We drew pictures of one another and described how our faces change when they feel an emotion, for example, when someone is feeling frustrated we may see a frown, a curled lip and squinty eyes. Learning about emotions isn't always serious business, sometimes we can have fun and laugh while we learn.
My GOSH...Week 5 next week already. Where is the time going???