AGPS Fete 2025

School Fete update

Wow, it’s hard to believe that we only have 4 weeks to go. It’s certainly coming around fast! For those that may have missed this information, here is an update on the fete. 


We have (just a snapshot) lots happening at the fete, including:  

  • We have 7 new and different amusements

  • We’re bringing our pizza oven out of retirement 

  • We’re most definitely going to be soaking some teachers and maybe some special guests

  • We have lots of grade stalls on offer, including the ever popular chocolate toss

  • We hear that Highway Patrol might be stopping by…

  • Our stage is crammed full of entertainment 

  • There is fairy floss - enough said

  • We’re getting rid of Zooper Doopers and replacing them with ice cream

  • Bunnings, Altona Life Saving Club and AusKick are stopping by

  • And much much more! 


Without parents/ guardian support, we can’t run the fete - it’s as simple as that. This year we need you more than ever as our fete grows bigger and better. We need volunteers to help make our day a success - every bit helps. 


Please ensure you check our sign up page and help where you can - it’s a big job for 10 people to do! We just ask that you have a valid Working With Children’s check to do so. 


Click on this link (and don’t think for one minute that traffic management isn’t a job for you - it’s integral to the day) and sign up today. If you do volunteer, make sure you sign up for one of the briefing sessions too - everyone who is volunteering must attend a session (scroll to the bottom of this link).


Hot tip - sign up early as all the best spots go! 


Chocolate Drive:

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the chocolate drive this week - we can’t wait to see the results. 


We know our chocolate toss stall will be brimming with chocolate thanks to you. 


Bake Sale:

A post about the bake sale will be coming on Monday so please keep an eye out for that. 


Wristbands and showbags: 

Letters will be sent home with details on costs and how to order towards the middle of next week. We are offering a pre-sale discount to our school community. 


Ticket only event:

Talking of pre-event purchases, we’re delighted to announce that w/c 24th March we will be selling tickets morning during drop off and during pick up ALL WEEK. 


These tickets are for the fete as this is a cashless/card event on all our stalls (except the Community Market where businesses shall be). You will be able to pay by card and cash at 3 ticket stalls at the fete and make gold coin donations there. 



Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far - we genuinely can’t thank you enough. 


We’re still in need of the following: 

  • Tomato sauce  - 6 more needed

  • Cans of coke 

  • Cans of lemonade 

  • Cans of Fanta 

  • Cans of Solo 

  • Hand sanitizer 

  • Food handling gloves (including latex free)

  • Decorations- crepe streamers, tissue paper fans/ balls/ hanging stars/ party decor

  • Paper table cloths 

  • Foil backdrops

  • Empty and clean plastic ice cream tubs/ large food containers (for tokens)

  • 2x long handled pizza paddles 

Facebook Page: 

Did you know that we have a whole facebook page dedicated to our fete. Please ensure you’re following it to find out more details as the weeks get closer:



We thank you in advance for your support for our fete. 


Kind regards, 


The Fete Committee