Around the School

2025 Preps 

What a wonderful start to the school year our Prep students have had. Considering the heat over the last few weeks they have settled into classroom life well. We have been busy learning our classroom routines and developing our fine motor skills using playdough. We have started learning about some letters and sounds and have learnt about how to make a pattern with blocks. We have been counting to 10 and using counters to help us. Here are a few photos from the first few weeks in the Prep/1 Room.



Maths fun in 3/4M!!


We have had so much fun learning about place value in maths this week. 

Students used place value blocks to create a replica of their favourite character of all time. Students then gallery walked to the models made by fellow classmates, recording the numbers in their place value form, as well as their standard and worded forms. 


Can you guess who some of the characters are?

Can you find Stitch, Pinocchio, Turbo the snail, the very hungry caterpillar, a baby and Simba the lion?