From the Principal's desk

Welcome to the 2025 School Year!
It has been a fantastic start to the year, all of our classes have settled in well, getting straight into the work. Our 'Ready to Learn' lessons have been very popular with staff and students and have helped bring a smooth start to the day.
I would like to send a special welcome to all of our Prep families and new families joining us this year.
Today was our first Parents and Friends meeting. We look forward to strengthening our parents and friends committee in 2025 and creating more connections to further improve NPS.
Things to look forward to this term
- Next week all students will have sessions with the Numurkah Historical Society. Please make sure your Student Confidential green form has been handed in for permission to participate in local excursions.
- The school will go through its review process, this occurs every four years and I look forward to setting new goals for us to work on as a community
- NAPLAN begins for our year 3 and 5 students on Tuesday the 12th March
- Years 4-6 students will participate in personal development sessions
- Curriculum day on the 31st March
We will all enjoy the cooler weather predicted for next week and look forward to what the rest of the year brings.