Student Acknowledgements & Birthdays


The Sacred Heart School Vision Statement and Philosophy speaks of creating a Catholic faith community that, with Jesus as our model, promotes tolerance, compassion, equality, justice and joy in each other’s presence. As educators, we look for and celebrate these qualities, dispositions and character traits to acknowledge these in others. 


We do not have any acknowledgements being presented this fortnight.

Prep BEdward MladenovskiFor being the absolute rockstar that you are! Eddie, lucky my shoelaces have double knots because you are blowing my socks off! The way you follow our morning routines, share your thoughts in discussions, take on challenges and always put in your best effort is making my heart smile. Keep rocking it handsome boy! I just love it!Prep CLeo CliffordFor settling into Prep like a superstar. You always welcome your teacher and friends with a warm ‘hello’, show fantastic Whole Body Listening, and take your time to finish your work. You are making my heart do triple backflips!
William GehrigFor being such a fabulous and persistent learner. Willsie, I have absolutely loved seeing you raise your hand to share your ideas and ask the most interesting questions during show and tell. You are a super star! Keep up the FAB whole body listening champ! My heart is smiling so bright with you in Prep B!Siena BebicFor being a wonderful prayer leader. Siena, we are so lucky to have you set up our prayer space each morning, lead us in the sign of the cross, and help choose people to share their special prayer. I am so proud of you!
Year 1KNRuby SmithFor being an amazing example of how we can show kindness in our classroom. Ruby you have been so very thoughtful and aware of our friends in our class. Great work!Year 1VEloise HounslowFor being an active learner and a kind class member. I am so proud of you Eloise for focusing really hard on completing set activities and for always treating your peers kindly during group activities.
Lily RoulstonFor having an amazing start to Year 1! I love how wonderfully you have settled in at Sacred Heart and become part of our family. You are a kind and hard working student and we love having you in 1KN. Well done Lily! Leo RodgerFor displaying a growth mindset when working in groups. Leo, I am so proud of you for taking turns, working collaboratively and being respectful towards your group members during Discovery.
Year 2HAlexa JensenFor having a wonderful start to Year 2! You consistently demonstrate the qualities of an active learner and bring a positive attitude to the classroom. Well done Alexa! Year 2KEthan EmansFor consistently being a positive role model in our class. You are a wonderfully kind and considerate student. We love having you in our class. Keep up the amazing work Ethan!!
Zaynab Khalil For always being a kind and helpful member of 2H! You are always looking for ways to help and uplift your classmates. Keep it up!  Mila FraczekFor being a kind and supportive friend. Mila, you can alway be relied on to work positively with other students and you alway offer to be a helpful member of our class! Keep up the great work!
Year 3AHayden McCammond For adding valuable contributions to class and pair discussions. Hayden, I love the way you always put your hand up and share your thoughts with us. I admire the way you listen to, and use materials equally with your partners. Keep it up! Year 3 IAJ De CastroFor always being a kind and considerate friend, going out of your way to include and uplift those around you with your lovely smile and positive words.
Alana Strangio-McRaeFor showing kindness to others and always offering a helping hand. Alana, you are always the first to offer a helping hand when I need it, and to help your classmates feel supported. We are so lucky you have you in 3A! Keep it up! Alfie Polimeni For always showing enthusiasm by raising your hand and giving things a go. You are an attentive listener and contribute great ideas to the class. Keep it up Alfie!
Year 4JFrancis McCarthyFor being an incredibly hard worker and never giving up in the face of a challenge. Thank you for being a good friend to all those around you and keeping our classroom a safe and kind place to be.Year 4KRLewis BondiFor being an absolute reading superstar! I love that you took on teacher feedback and choose a great novel which you haven't put down since. I am so so proud of you! Keep it up! 
Penelope AcunaFor showing dedication and pride in all your schoolwork. You are always keen to share your ideas and knowledge. Your contributions are always insightful and impressive. Thank you, and keep it up. Lacey ScottFor the incredible start you have had in Year 4! You have shown how resilient you are and have settled into 4KR like a champion. Keep smiling Lacey! 
Year 5DAlex SestichAlex, great job on your writing! You did an amazing job putting your ideas together and expressing yourself so clearly. Keep it up!! Your creativity and hard work really shines through in your words. I'm so proud of you. Keep writing, because you're doing fantastic.Year 5TWilliam WalkerFor your fantastic concentration in class. You are listening carefully during lessons and sharing valuable opinions and ideas with your peers. Keep it up!
Morgan Mc CammondMorgan You’ve been so helpful and kind! You’re really making the world a better place with your actions, and that’s something to be really proud of. Keep up the amazing work—your kindness shines through, and it makes a big difference!"5DMaddie RoacheFor being such a fabulous help to your teacher. Your are always willing to assist in the classroom with anything you can. It is very much appreciated!
Year 6ACharlotte KummrowFor being an active learner and a hard working student who shows kindness and respect to others. Keep it going Charlotte!Year 6KEliza GazeasFor being a constant example to her peers, always treating others with respect and trying her best in all lessons.
Sadie Di ClementeFor being a great role model for others and helping those around you. Your positive attitude towards all aspects of school is also great to see. Keep it up Sadie!Issa AkelFor trying hard to focus within maths and complete his work independently and to the best of his ability.



Happy Birthday to our students who have celebrated a birthday or will celebrate a birthday soon.


Name & Date

PrepAlex Torero24 February

Teddy Burton

Sienna Cugnetto

25 February

2 March

TwoCali Macarthy17 February
FourEvie Linton11 February

We hope you have a wonderful birthday!!