Year 6

We have been very busy in year 6 the last couple of weeks. Below, students have written about some of the exciting events we have participated in. It has been wonderful seeing our year 6 students take on leadership roles and show responsibility, leadership and persistence when carrying out tasks.
Kids Helpline
On the 18th of February the year 6s went on a zoom call with kids' helpline. We learned what leadership means, if you're born with leadership or if you grow it, how we all have our own strengths and qualities, who are leaders and what makes them a leader, and how you can be a quiet leader and how you have active listening if you're a leader. Our highlight was getting an understanding of how to apply leadership skills at school as year 6 leaders.
By Liv, and Bray
On Tuesday, the Year 6 Cricket Team arrived at the Romsey Oval. After having plenty of behind-the-scenes training, our 10 committed teammates played against 4 teams, hoping to beat them and move onto the finals.
Although we lost to 2 of them, everyone tried their best and enjoyed the special day out - with Jaclyn buying much-deserved icy poles with her totally unearned money, and in the end, to cap off an exciting day.
We would like to thank Meagan, who sacrificed her lunchtimes, somehow always making sure she had time to warm up her food.
Cricket Team: Ella, Darcy, Mikayla, Brayden, Oakley, Zach, Sophie, Arturo, Lukas and Hunter
T-Ball Team: Grace, Zoe, Lachlan, Bailey, Levi, Lawson, Liv, Harriette and Tahlia(absent)
Robotics incursion
On the 18 of February the year 6s had a Robotics Incursion. We had to learn about programming space and mars rovers. The person who taught us was named Luke. He was from e VSSEC (Victorian Space Science Education Centre) in Melbourne. The session was for 2 hours, our task to make our robots go on a course and complete it. We had three options: course 1, course 2, or course 3. Most of the year 6 were able to make it more than just do a course. We made the robots smile, do tricks and say stuff. Overall, it was a success for everyone, and we went out with more knowledge than before.
By Hunter and Levi
Inform and Empower
On the 19th of February, our year 6 team went online to watch a presentation about online rights, our responsibilities online and online laws to get a better understanding about how to be safe online. During the presentation the year 6’s learnt how online rights are for absolutely everybody and are protected by the law. The year 6’s learnt three important rights online including 1. feel safe 2. Report and block any unsafe comments and 3. Seek help when needed. In the course of the presentation, one saying that stood out to our year 6’s, was “Think twice before you post” this helps people remember the impacts of what you post. If you are unsure about what you can and can't post, ask yourself these questions when it comes to your post, is it ‘funny’?, would I want this said to me?, could this misinterpreted? is this kind? And could there be a consequence?
By Sophie and Tahlia