
We have now completed our first full week of school. Though we do have some tired Preps, they have done so well to remain positive and focus on the reason why we are at school. In Literacy these past few weeks, students have shown a growth in understand the known letters and sounds (S,A,T,P,I,N). They are now starting to blend 3 letter words together which we have practised through moving cars along a road to understand the sounding out motion, and magnetic letters with LOTS and LOTS of practise. Students are continuously adding to their sight words knowledge by finding them in books, around the room and in cut and paste activities. We are starting to see more confidence in students writing abilities. They are now able to write on the lines and understand that we write from left to right with fingers spaces. In Maths, we continue to focus on counting forwards and backwards. Students are very confident in counting 0-10 and we continue to consolidate counting and understanding of teen numbers. Our highlight for this past few weeks as been the Start Right Celebration Day. This was the first chance for our Preps to experience what it feels like to belong to a house and interact with students from all year levels. We would like to congratulate them on achieving this big accomplishment.