
School Saving Bonus

Parents and carers of government school students enrolled for 2025 will have received an email from the Department of Education in November or December 2024. The email contained your unique School Saving Bonus code to use the $400 support and a link to the School Saving Bonus parent and carer online system.


Parents and carers will have received one email and code for each eligible student in their family. If you cannot locate the email please check your spam or junk folder.  The Department of Education have started re-sending SSB codes to families that have not yet used the bonus.  


Once you have received the email you can start spending with suppliers (eduThreads - online uniform ordering) and allocating to school activities eg. excursions, incursions, camps, graduation, Kitchen Garden, swimming program etc.

The SSB cannot be used towards parent payment arrangements other than our Kitchen Garden Program as it cannot be used for stationery.

If you choose to allocate the SSB or some of the SSB towards school activities, you must advise the school that you would like to use the SSB for the events you wish to use it for. Families are not able to indicate as such in Compass when giving permission for events which is why you must advise the school.


A guide for parents and carers is attached which outlines how to use the SSB for ordering uniform or allocating to school activities on the SSB parent and carer online system.


School Student Broadband Initiative

Led by the National Broadband Network (NBN), the School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) is a Federal Government initiative offering free home internet to 30,000 eligible households with school-aged students.

Families and carers currently connected to the NBN network through SSBI will have their connection automatically extended with their participating internet provider until 30th June 2028.

For new families the services commence from the time the service is activated with the internet provider. Note that other household members can use the internet services provided by the initiative.

When the program reaches the cap of 30,000 services connected, no further nominations will be accepted, and any unredeemed vouchers will become invalid.

If you have a voucher that has not been used, please be sure to activate your free service with a participating internet provider as soon as possible.

After the free period, households will not be placed on a paid service without consent. The government will explore options for what happens to services beyond the end date in 2028.


To be eligible for SSBI, families must:

  • have a child living at home who is enrolled in an Australian school (up to year 12 including Prep)

  • not have an active NBN network internet service at home (excludes mobile internet services)

  • live in a premises that can access the NBN network via a standard connection (NBN will confirm this)

  • not have had an active NBN connection during the previous 14 days.

How to get started

To be assessed, contact NBN National Referral Centre on 1800 954 610 or visit to request a call back.

Please note:

  • NBN will check your nominated home address for an active NBN connection.

  • You do not need to provide financial information.

  • Translation and interpretation services are available.

Some families might also be contacted via their school, with information about how to apply.

Information about Internet Providers

Once you have confirmed that you are eligible for free home internet, you can choose your preferred internet provider from a list of participating internet providers in your area. Each internet provider will have their own connection process, which may involve the provision of personal information by the primary carer or parent.

If you move house between now and Friday 30 June 2028, you can continue to access the service in your new home (subject to the eligibility criteria).

  • You must contact your internet provider if you are planning to move house.

  • The internet provider will support you to move the service to your new property.

More information

For more information about eligibility, contact the NBN National Referral Centre or 1800 954 610.

For further information on the SSBI, visit the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts website.

Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF)

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like:

  • school camps or trips

  • swimming extension activities and other school-organised sport programs

  • outdoor education programs

  • excursions and incursions

  • graduations/valedictories.

Families can list more than one student in the one application form if they are attending the same school.

Parents/carers wishing to apply for CSEF payments for 2025 must submit their application form to the relevant school by 4 July 2025.

However, a parent/carer will only be required to submit an application form to the school in the following circumstances:

  • the parent/carer is applying for the CSEF payment for the first time – i.e. an application form was not lodged with the school in the previous year; or

  • circumstances have changed – e.g. there has been a change in the care arrangement of the student, a change of name or CRN, or a new sibling has commenced at the school and the parent/carer wishes to apply for the CSEF payment for the new sibling.

Those that are eligible to apply for the CSEF are:

  • families holding a valid means-tested concession card

  • a student over 16 years who is considered a mature minor and holds a valid concession card (such as a Youth Allowance Health Care Card or Disability Support Pension Card).

A special consideration category also exists for refugee and asylum seeker families and students placed in temporary care.

Means-tested concession cards must now be valid on either:

  • the first day of Term 1 – 28 January

  • the first day of Term 2 – 22 April

Conveyance Allowance

Conveyance allowance is a contribution towards transport costs and is not intended to cover the full cost of transporting children to and from school.

The conveyance allowance may be available to students attending government or non-government schools and:

  • travelling by public transport or by private car, motorbike, bicycle or bus, and

  • whose nearest school is not serviced by a free school bus provided under the School Bus Program

To be eligible for the conveyance allowance a student must reside 4.8km or more from the school/campus they attend. This distance is measured as the shortest practicable route from the student’s residence to the school/campus using all-weather public roads drivable by car.

The Student Conveyance Allowance System (SCAS) assesses this eligibility criteria by:

  • determining the shortest route between the student’s address and the school/campus attended (whereas other public mapping tools commonly measure the shortest travel time)

  • producing a table showing distances to nearby like schools, for comparison, which assists schools to determine whether the student is attending their nearest school/campus.

The distance measured does not include private driveways.


Applications can be completed using the form below and submitted to the school by the following dates:

Claim period

Claim submission closing date

Estimated pay run date

Term 114 March 202528 March 2025
Term 213 June 202527 June 2025
Term 328 August 202512 September 2025
Term 421 November 20255 December 2025

Lost Property

Can we please remind families to label all items of clothing.  We have already accumulated quite a lot of unnamed lost property which will be put into the second-hand uniform tub. Lost property can be returned to children quickly and easily if it's clearly labelled.