
Small Towns Project
The Small Towns Project will be visiting 29 small/remote towns in the Loddon Campaspe region throughout the year to help better understand the barriers families face in accessing healthcare services. Lancefield is one of them! They have asked for feedback to help guide the visit. Please help by completing the feedback form if you can.
Inform and Empower
This term we have commenced Inform and Empower, thanks to the Bendigo Bank for making this accessible to all of our students. The program runs across the year, delivering lessons on cyber safety and digital wellbeing, with the aim being tocreate a safer and more positive online experiences for every child.
Staff completed their online session this week and we will be hosting a parent session as well. Stay tuned for the date!
Each term we will be sharing a tip sheet for how you can continue the conversation at home in the wellbeing section of our newsletter. Please reach out to your child's teacher or Kirsty if you have any further questions or concerns around digital wellbeing and cyber safety.
The Resilience Project
We are up and running! Already we've had 6J and 4/5W share their responses to our GEM chats at assembly and it's been great hearing some conversations and ideas around the school. We hope you've managed to check out the board outside the gym, taken a photo of the GEM chat for families or even taken it to work or a group you belong to get the conversation started. (I'd love to hear about this if you have!)
This week's family chat is:
Dr Billy Garvey
An opportunity to attend a free event with Dr Billy Garvey (some of you may recognise the name from a previous online event). The event is being held at Mary Moloney Theatre Sacred Heart College, Kyneton on Wednesday March 12th.
Billy Garvey is a developmental paediatrician with over 20 year's experience working with children and families in various settings. He is the founder of Guiding Growing Minds (GGM) and author of Ten Things I wish You Knew About Your Child's Mental Health.
Billy is a passionate advocate for supporting those who care for kids by equipping them with the tools and knowledge to foster healthy development. As part of this vision, Billy hosts the Pop Culture Parenting podcase, providing practical strategies for parent and caregivers. To listen to the podcast visit: http://www.guidinggrowingminds.com/popcultureparenting
This event offers an opportunity for practical, honest and safe discussions on topics aimed to assist parents in supporting their children's growth and well-being.
Bookings are essential- visit the link to register https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1330932
This International Women's Day take some time to think about the extraordinary women in our everyday lives.
Be inspired by women-centred stories to learn from, fantastic heroines to befriend with this reading list. From time-travellers to detectives, supermodels to superpowers, this diverse collection includes something for everyone. Check it outInternational Women's Day book launches
Also, Stories about women who changed the world Stories About Women Who Changed the World | Penguin Random House