Physical Education

It feels like I wrote the week 3 newsletter article two minutes ago…it appears that time is actually flying by and before we know it, the school holidays will be upon us.
Preparations for the school cross country this Friday are well and truly under way with Years 1-6 doing running training with me for the last five weeks. I’ve been absolutely loving doing regular distance and interval training with the kids and so many have risen to the challenge and pushed themselves. The kids know the joy I get from running and I feel so lucky to be able to share that joy by encouraging and nurturing a love of running at LPS. Best wishes to all students on Friday…remember, don’t sprint at the start, save something for the end and try to enjoy the whole thing!
In Prep, we are continuing to play a range of games using lots of different equipment so the kids can work on their hand-eye coordination and movement skills. Learning how to listen and work together as a team has been a big focus and I’m already seeing lots of understanding and improvement. We’re having fun dancing, too!
The year 1s continue with their Indoor Hockey unit and they are loving it! (See photos) As well as regular dance sessions, the students continue to work on their stick skills and movement around the field. They are learning to spread out and not all try to get the ball at once…we’ll get there.
All other classes are continuing with Lacrosse…such a great sport. For a sport that most students have never played before, let alone even heard of, I am so impressed with the dedication and skill from a huge portion of players. I’m joining in with each game and am being put through my paces every time!
Just a quick reminder about the School Colour Run coming up in week 9… we still only have just over half of our students set up with a profile with only half of those students raising money. Please, if you get the opportunity, ask friends and family to give a little donation as it all adds up in the end. I am so appreciative of whatever we can raise and doing it as a school for our school is such a great thing to be a part of. Thanks!
Meagan – PE Teacher