We are excited to announce our 2025 LPS Colour Run. These events are so much fun and provide the school community an opportunity to raise money for our school.


The Colour Run will be held on Friday 28th March. The course will be set up and run within the school grounds with a couple of fun obstacles thrown in for good measure! Around the course will be several Colour Stations where students will be colour-bombed by teachers. We advise that students wear plain white clothes to really show up the colours they have been sprayed with. The colour powder is made up of cornflour and dry food colouring, making it non-toxic. If you do not want your child to run on the day, please know that is totally ok as they can still be a part of the fundraising and can also be the loudest cheerers!


LPS School Council are aiming to raise money for the following items throughout 2025 and the Colour Run will get us off to a great start .

  • New sound system, microphones and headsets for assemblies and other events; 

  • Double gazebo for sports events with LPS logo and motto; 

  • Set of sports tops for our students to wear to interschool sporting events;

  • Lectern for assemblies and special events; 

  • Tear drop banners for school houses and school values 

  • Support for our library with new shelving and resources. 


Starting Friday 14th of February, ALL students will be able to click on the QR Code given to them by their teachers which enables them to set up their Fundraising Profile and get things happening! 


Please have a look through the brochure to see the prizes you can win for raising different amounts of money, the more you raise, the better the prizes! The fundraising ends on Wednesday 26th of March which gives us several weeks to really get those donations coming in.


We really appreciate everyone’s support and enthusiasm for this event.  


Thank you and stay tuned for weekly assembly and Compass updates and fun surprises!


Meagan Nash

PE coordinator