School News



Effective communication between school and home is essential in supporting our students on their educational journey.

In 2025, the primary method of communication for school-related information at WVPS will be through the Compass platform. We strongly encourage all families to access this platform. If you need assistance with Compass, please contact our administration team for support.

For any matters related to your child’s schooling, the first point of contact should always be the classroom teacher, as they work most closely with your child.

Please note that, unlike previous years, students will not be provided with a school diary for communication in 2025. Instead, if you need to contact your child’s teacher, you can email them directly via the Compass platform.

As mentioned earlier this week, we are excited to introduce our school’s official Facebook page as an additional communication channel. This page will be used to share important updates and celebrate events across the school. If you haven’t already, we encourage you to follow the page to stay up-to-date with school communications.

We kindly remind everyone to model our school values, particularly respect, in all communication with the school community.



Assemblies will now take place on Friday afternoons in the school gymnasium, in a face-to-face format. These assemblies will alternate each week:

  • Even weeks will feature Foundation to Year 2 (F-2) students
  • Odd weeks will feature Years 3-6 students.

The assemblies will begin at 2:10pm and end just before the school day concludes.


We warmly invite parents and carers to attend the assemblies. To ensure smooth access, please enter via the pink (rear of school) and purple (Manuka Grove) gates, which will open at 2:00pm.

Today we had our first F-2 assembly, and it was great to see the students and families in attendance. 

We look forward to welcoming you to one of our assemblies soon!






Dear Parents and Carers,


We would like to inform you that the 2025 financial contributions for the school are now open. You can make contributions either through the Compass portal or in person at the school.

These voluntary contributions play a vital role in enabling us to offer engaging programs and provide the resources necessary for a high-quality educational experience for all students at Wyndham Vale Primary School.

Please note that payment plans are available. If you would like to discuss payment options, feel free to contact the administration office.

For your reference, a copy of the 2025 voluntary financial contributions is attached. 

We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support of our school and thank you in advance for your contribution.





                                                             First Aid



Could the families that have not yet returned their Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Allergy or any other plans please return them now. Your child's health is our priority and in case of an emergency we need your plan here at the school.


If your child is unwell and has flu like symptoms please keep them home so that we do not put other students and staff who are immune compromised at risk. Our exclusion period for common illnesses are:


Vomiting - 48 hours from the last vomit

Diarrhea - 48 hours from the last loose stool 

Influenza influenza like illnesses – Exclude until well

Fever – Exclude till no Fever.