Sport & PE
Students have been learning basketball skills this week with Dave. Skills addressed in the games are coordination, motor control, cognitive skills, visual motor integration, proprioception and team work.
Our junior years have been enjoying Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) sessions also this week.
Its aim is to improve the children's fitness, balance, hand-eye coordination, gross motor skills, and self-confidence.
The program also seeks to build an understanding of spatial concepts such as in, on, under, over, through, behind, in front of, and between.
What Are Gross Motor Skills?
Gross motor skills involve the use of large muscles in our bodies such as our torso, arms, and legs.
When doing everyday activities such as running, skipping, climbing, and jumping. They use them when throwing and catching a ball, going up and down stairs, pumping on a swing, and riding a bicycle.
Strong gross motor skills are critical for the healthy development of children—physically, emotionally, and cognitively—and build their self-confidence.
Division Cross Country, Wodonga
Congratulations to all our students who attended and competed in last Friday cross country. Mac, Harry and Ferdi now have the option to attend the next met in Benella.