Around the College

Stage 2B Officially Opened!

St Anne’s College came together to celebrate a momentous occasion this week - the official opening of Stage 2B of the College Masterplan. While these facilities have been in use for quite some time, it was officially opened and blessed by Bishop Shane Mackinlay at a liturgy on Thursday this week which included a plaque unveiling and ribbon-cutting ceremony.


There was also many guests in attendance including the Executive Director of Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd. Kate Fogarty, St Mel's Parish Priests, representatives from No. 42 Architects, tradespeople from Moretto Building, staff from CES, Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor Cr Shane Sali and Cr Anthony Brophy, Federal Member for Nichols Sam Birrell, Principals from throughout the GV Deanery, the St Anne's College Advisory Council Chair and St Anne's College community members.


College Captain Chiara led the ceremony and Year 11 student Jayda conducted an Acknowledgement to Country which was followed by Principal Sue Carroll presenting a speech about the powerhouse of work that has gone into Stage 2B and its importance in an ever-evolving college environment. Sue said she was confident the St Anne’s College students would make wonderful contributions to community.


Bishop Shane spoke of how he became the Bishop of the Sandhurst Diocese in the same year that St Anne’s College opened. This was his second visit to St Anne’s, and he led the crowd in prayer before Fr Ruel read the Gospel. Bishop Shane reminded us that God was a teacher and spoke of his influence and commitment to wisdom and intelligence, the growth of everything and everyone, science, creativity and imagination, and growing their relationship to God.


We thank everyone involved in this wonderful event to celebrate Stage 2B. The joy it continues to bring to our college community will be inspire our students and teaching staff now and into the future. As a college we are sincerely grateful.

St. Anne's Feast Day Mass

Today was a very special day in the St Anne's College annual calendar - we celebrated the Feast Day of St. Anne and St. Joachim. St. Anne is our College Patron Saint as well as the Patron Saint of Grandparents. A beautiful mass was held to commemorate the occasion and our College community was invited to be a part of this. While conducting the Homily, Fr Ruel said some incredible words about grandparents and the important role they play in our lives - showcasing so much love to our students. "When there's love, there is the presence of God in our lives", Fr Ruel said to the congregation.


A huge congratulations to our Religious Education Leader Elizabeth for her incredible efforts in organising the Feast Day Mass.


There was lots happening on campus while the students were away. Framework for Stage 3A is nearing completion and plaster is starting to arrive. Services have also arrived and are busy installing all necessary components, wiring, plumbing pipes and fittings.


Our maintenance team have been installing new bollards and we also have groundworks happening, with a huge pile of dirt being moved to make way for the roadway and carpark. Some of this will be used to make mounds and shaping around the oval.


Stage 3A will predominately house "fabricating" which includes metal, wood, fabrics, robotics, 3D printing. Also included in this stage are a further 18 staff area bases, three large studio rooms (two of these can be opened up and combined), storage zones and three study/lab areas. There will also a further 20 car parks and landscaping to the front and back of the college.


Thank you for everyone involved, these are very exciting times for our college.

New artwork installation

Another beautiful piece by Indigenous artist Troy Firebrace has been added to the St Anne’s College collection. The artwork is hanging in the newest addition to the College - Stage 2B. This area includes science labs so Troy fittingly created an artwork that depicts the merging of science with Indigenous culture. It features strong angular lines that Troy created using protractors and mathematical equations with a striking black background, created using black powdered charcoal from a Smoking Ceremony, which represents the areas in between stars and constellations.


St Anne’s College now has three incredible artworks by Troy that can be found in various places throughout the school – each with its own special representation of Indigenous culture merged with learning as well as Catholic Identity. 

CES Retreat visits St Anne's College

Staff from Catholic Education Sandhurst and Sandhurst Catholic Early Childhood Education and Care gathered in St Anne's College over the school break for a day of fellowship, spirituality and learning. It was delightful to see CES enjoying our incredible learning spaces as we do here.


Thank you to Visual Arts Learning Mentor, Mark and his students for making the CES team feel welcome with their blackboard creation.

Lunch and recess clubs begin for Term 3

We are excited to announce that lunch and recess clubs have begun for Term 3 with a huge variety of things on offer for students with different interests. Students can sign up for clubs via a Google Form on SIMON. The clubs include:

  • Monday: Recess - Jewellery Making | Lunch - Footy Card Club 
  • Tuesday: Recess - Craft 
  • Wednesday: Recess - Board Games/Cards | Lunch - Tech Club 
  • Thursday: Recess - House Soccer | Lunch - Chess Club