Traineeship for Izzy Henry Year 12

We would like to extend our congratulations to Izzy Henry who has been offered a traineeship next year at Knight St Multi-Age Learning Centre in Shepparton.  Izzy has been completing her Certificate III in Childcare and Support each Wednesday at GOTAFE. In addition to this Izzy has been working each Friday at the childcare center since May this year having completed other childcare places over the previous year and a half.  Mez visited Izzy at work this week and the childcare center said Izzy has come a long way and grown in confidence in the short time she has worked with the children.  Izzy said the best part of working with this age group is that the children smile at her and are happy that she is there and that they are very cute.

Subject selection reminder

A reminder that subject selections for Year 11 and 12 in 2025 are due back this coming Friday 2 August. Selections for Year 10 in 2025 are due Friday 9 August. Late submission may compromise your student’s selections. We encourage all parents/carers to support the students to return these forms to the college reception by the due dates. 

Year 11 Leadership Opportunities - presentation by Sue and Kate

On Tuesday 30 July, students in Year 11 will be presented with information regarding leadership opportunities in 2025. Application forms for House and School Captaincy will be available for students who wish to nominate for these very important positions. We encourage our amazing cohort of Year 11 students to consider nominating for these positions. 

Reminder: SAC/OAT Reschedule Process

A reminder to students that if they are absent for an SAC or OAT, they must complete the reschedule form upon their return to school. If the student has missed a SAC (Unit 4 subject) they must have a medical certificate to explain the absence. Reschedule forms will be printed and can be found with the Senior Secondary Pathways resources near Studio 12. 

First Aid Training

Last week on Thursday our Year 11 and Year 12 students joined groups and completed training with an outside trainer to receive their First Aid Certificates. Students worked on adult and baby sized mannequins to learn CPR and how to deliver and use the defibrillator machine if needed in case of emergencies. The CPR training was delivered during lesson 1 and 2 and assessment of such was completed. Students needed to arrive on time and at the start of this session in order to ensure they could gain this certificate. Students then learned how to respond to different scenarios such as choking, asthma attacks, anaphylaxis treatment and how to respond to an emergency scene. During the training students completed theory work and watched a number of videos as well as completing the practical CPR training and also the bandaging of different limbs. At the end of the day students completed a theory test to gain their certificate.  Well done to our VM students in gaining this qualification.

Year 11-12 students help in preparation for Stage 2B Opening and Blessing

I would like to thank the efforts of Bridee Selman, Taylah Newbound, Jayda Kennedy and Charlie Ratcliffee who supported Rhonda to place a celebration sticker and an ingredient sticker on 600 cello bags and then proceeded to bag 600 cookies so that all the students at St Anne’s College would be presented with a cookie to mark this event. An amazing coordinated effort, well done girls!


Our VM students Izzy Henry, Megan Okely, Emily Gleeson, Cara Seddon and Rylan Farren cut up fruit and made up fruit platters for the invited guests to share as part of the celebrations at the end of the official opening. The platters looked beautiful and were very well presented, well done team!

Attendance at Pastoral Group 

A reminder to parents and students it is compulsory for students at the college to attend pastoral group time in the morning. This is a time when the prayer and notices for the day are delivered to students. This is important as it gives students the information required for the day ahead including any room changes or special events throughout the day.


Pastoral group commences at 8.55am. Students should arrive at school well before this time so that they can put their bags away and collect their books for the start of the day for Sessions 1 and 2.  


If, on the odd occasion, a student is late to school they MUST sign in at the front office.  This should only be on rare occasions when something out of the ordinary has occurred.  It is disappointing to note a number of students are signing in late every day.  Many of these students either walk to school or now drive themselves so there should be no reason they are not in attendance seated in their pastoral groups by 8.55am.

Your support with this matter is greatly appreciated.

VCE OES Mt Stirling Camp

The Outdoor Education students braved the cold this week for a snow camp to Mt Stirling where they took part in Cross Country Skiing. Congratulations to the students for taking on the challenge and enduring the cold weather. They were quite lucky to have a dump of snow last week ahead of the camp and bright skies for the first couple of days of camp. A

Year 12 Physical Education - Aquamoves 

The Year 12 Physical Education class visited the facilities at Aquamoves - spending time with trainer Scotty. The visit was part of the students' unit of study based on Training Methods where they participated in a circuit session with Scotty which included a short warm up, followed by moving through seven stations with a partner as well as recovery time. At the end of the session the class visited the gym and did a 5-minute cooldown on the treadmills or bike. Students were required to track their heart rate at the start, middle and end of the session. 


Yesterday the class went followed the first visit up with a Pilates session. Students continue to look at different training methods and experience a wide variety of sessions throughout this term. The Yclass will continue to visit the facilities each week.

VET Sport, Aquatics, and Recreation

Our VET Sport, Aquatics, and Recreation students had an incredible experience visiting Aquamoves where they had the privilege of meeting the inspiring Scotty Kennedy. Scotty shared his wealth of knowledge about sport, fitness, and recreation in the Shepparton community.


He engaged with our students, answering their questions about the sports industry and sharing his journey as a personal trainer. Scotty's insights were invaluable, emphasising the importance of getting your foot in the door - whether it's through lifeguarding, swimming instruction, or customer service roles - and working your way up to your dream position.


Additionally, our students enjoyed an exclusive tour of the pool pump rooms, gaining a behind-the-scenes look at the daily life of a lifeguard. This experience provided them with a fantastic understanding of the hard work and dedication required in this field.

Mitchell & Lillian excel in extension

Congratulations goes out to Mitchell Tremellen and Lillian Richardson who both recently completed subjects with 𝗘𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗦𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝗩𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗮. Both students engaged in online classes with the staff at John Monash Science School who deliver the Emerging Sciences Program. 

Mitchell completed a subject in 𝘉𝘪𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 and as part of this he presented a fantastic, self-made stop-motion video.

Lillian completed 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘕𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘴 subject and submitted a number of tasks including a card trick and some essays. Lillian is also completing 𝘈𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘴 with Emerging Sciences for this semester.

These courses are offered to year 9 and 10 students that are interested in extending their understanding of science and mathematics. Both students performed very well in their respective subjects. Well done to you both on taking on extension work and excelling, you should be very proud of your efforts.

Mitchell and Lillian will both be officially presented with their certificates at the next assembly.

Enter the Shepparton News’ podcast design competition!

The Shepparton News is starting a new podcast called 'Shepp Happens' which is designed for young people to keep them engaged with local news and their community in a light-hearted and fun way. To get young people involved in both the creation and production of the podcast, they are calling on young artists in the region to enter a competition which the chance to have your work featured as the artwork for 'Shepp Happens'. 


The guidelines are:

  • Students must be in Years 10-12. 
  • The artwork/graphic must include the podcast title: Shepp Happens 
  • The theme should be focussed on something that is unique to the region - it could be a building, object or word or anything that resonates with you as something that connects you to Greater Shepparton. 
  • The art can be in any medium - a drawing, graphic design, acrylics, water, or oil painting etc. There are no restrictions on the materials used. However, it should be noted the design will need to be scanned and uploaded to the computer to be sent to us which students should keep in mind. 
  • Include your name, year group and school when submitting your artwork as well as a title for the piece and a sentence about it. Let the Shepparton News know why they should choose your design.

Submissions close on Thursday 1 August 2024 at 5pm. To submit your entry, email 

Unit 3 Practice Exams

Students completing Unit 3 studies have the opportunity to test their knowledge and skills by completing practice exams during the school holidays. These exams are a good indication of a student's strengths and give insight into the areas of improvement needed prior to the end of year exams. Our wonderful Unit 3 staff volunteered their time to provide students with this opportunity. Well done to all of those who braved the early starts to attend! We are really proud of the commitment you have shown to your studies.

VCE Unit 4 Classes and Student Free Days in Term 3

To support students in Unit 4 VCE studies during Term 3, all Unit 4 classes will continue on the three student free days: Monday 15 July, Friday 23 August and Friday 20 September. It is an expectation students studying a Unit 4 class will attend all Unit 4 classes on these days. Students with individual studies first thing in the morning or at the end of the day are permitted to come late or leave early, as long as they sign in and out at the office. Students are permitted to come in casual dress on these days.

Year 10 Formal 

Planning has begun for the 2024 Year 10 Formal with the committee gathering to begin organisation of the evening. The main aim of this first meeting was how to make the theme “Secret Garden” come alive in our decoration of the venue. Dance practice will be scheduled during Term 3. Students and families are reminded that this event is a compulsory part of the Year 10 learning program. All students are expected to participate. If there is any reason that a student is not able to participate in this event, parents are asked to contact the College to organise a meeting to discuss any challenges or barriers to participation. 

Save the Date!




Tuesday, August 6 is a Year 12 ONLY pajama dress-up day to celebrate 50 days left of Year 12!


Join in, stay warm and celebrate in comfort!!! You are nearly there.