Catholic Identity

Religious Education Leader: Elizabeth Holligan


July 28. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary time Year B


‘Give it to the people to eat’

In the first reading this Sunday a servant asks, ‘How can I serve this to a hundred men?’ Elisha insisted in his reply, ‘the Lord says this, “They will eat and have some left over.” ’They ate and had some over as the Lord had said. Education is like the loaves of bread. The influence education has in our students lives despite only spending a small portion of time with us, will go on to have lasting impacts on all they do in the world. They will go on to do amazing things, in turn influencing the lives of others and the world around them. They will be the future decision makers, carers, leaders, partners, friends, family and parents of generations to come. Each day we serve, we teach, we facilitate learning, with the little time we have in the knowledge that there will always be some left over taken forward into the world. We thank God for his guidance, love and care as we as St Anne’s College staff, as parents, as friends, ‘Give it to the people to eat’.


General News

St Anne’s Feast Day Mass

Friday July 26 is the feast of St Joachim and St Anne, patron saints of Grandparents. Our College is named after St Anne who was Our Lady Mary’s mother and the grandmother of Jesus Christ. Our community gathered at St Mel’s Christ the King Church for our annual Feast Day Mass. It was wonderful to see grandparents and family join us for this important day. There were many photos supplied by families of Grandparents and other special people so important in our lives. We thank our Parish and Fr Rene and Fr Ruel for supporting us in our celebration.


Opening and Blessing Stage 2B 

We are grateful to Bishop Shane MacKinlay DD and Executive Director of Catholic Education Sandhurst Kate Fogarty, together with our Parish Priests, Fr Rene and Fr Ruel for joining us in the opening and blessing of stage 2B of the college buildings. Bishop Shane blessed all the new buildings and led us in the liturgy and blessing. Please see the photos and write up in IlGiornale this issue.