Our Staff 

Some of our LSO team working hard making planter boxes during the holiday break.

New staff

Hi, I’m Leonie. I am the new Koorie Educator and Learning Mentor at St Anne’s College. I am a proud Murri woman and my connections are with the Barada Barna people. I have lived in the Shepparton, Yorta Yorta region for the last 17 years. I have a background of working in childcare, education (both primary and secondary) and Out of Home Care with Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-Operative. I’m thrilled to be given the opportunity to work at St Anne's College and I thank staff and students for the warm welcome. In my spare time I like to spend time with family, go camping and gardening. Looking forward to meeting you all. 

Spreading kindness 

A new staff wellbeing initiative has started this term to spread joy throughout the college to foster the sense of community we have at St Anne's. 


'Random Acts of Kindness' began last week and kicked off with a meat tray from Marketplace Butchers to the value of $100.  A huge thank you to Josh at Marketplace Butchers!!

All our the staff member's names were put in a tin and Ellie Phillips was the lucky person drawn out to win the tray (see photos below).


Following this, four cards were distributed to four random staff members who kickstarted things by completing a random act of kindness.

The process involved is:

  1. A card is placed on a staff member's desk   
  2. They check who has not yet received a random act in a spreadsheet. 
  3. They then select a staff member and tick off their name
  4. Within 2 - 3 days they must complete an act of kindness and leave the card for them to complete the next act of kindness for the next random person who must follow the same process. 

Maternity leave updates

This week we say goodbye to Learning Mentor Rachel Broughton as she heads off on family leave. Her and her family are expecting a new addition to arrive sometime in September. We wish Rachel all the best for this exciting chapter.


In other maternity news, we recently welcomed back Learning Mentor Jasmin Buha who has been off on family leave after welcoming a new bub to the family. We are glad to have you back Jasmin!

Teaching Staff PD Day - Learner Diversity at St Anne’s College

Term 3 kicked off with an engaging PD Day for Teaching Staff while students enjoyed one last day of holidays. The PD focused on how teaching staff can support our diverse learners at St Anne’s College. Staff were taken through important topics such as Personal Learning Plans (PLP's), Program Support Groups (PSG's), adjustments and goals, evidence gathering and recording, and moderation. As we are a Catholic learning community, we enact inclusive policies and practices to accurately identify the diverse learning needs of individuals, consider effective approaches of support, provide appropriate adjustments and monitor the progress of all learners. 

Dedicated LSO'S

Not only are these guys wonderful 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗿𝘀, they are also dedicated staff members, giving up their well-earned holidays to make some veggie planter boxes for student use, promoting green practices and sustainability at St Anne’s College.

Join the dynamic team at St Anne's College

See below for a full list of teaching positions available for 2025. Apply here!

St Anne’s College staff 2024


Principal - Susan Carroll

Deputy Principal: Community Wellbeing - Kate McGrath

Deputy Principal: Learning and Teaching - Cherie Boltong



Elizabeth Holligan eholligan@sackialla.catholic.edu.au



General inquiries office@sackialla.catholic.edu.au

Finance inquiries finance@sackialla.catholic.edu.au



Staff 2024