From the Principal

Benvenuto - Welcome

Dear Parents and Carers,


This week has been extremely busy with two major events occurring for the college, the first of these being the official opening and blessing of Stage 2B. The event was a great success with Bishop Shane Mackinlay presiding over the ceremony. 


We were lucky to have some special guests present for the ceremony including some of our families, local councillors, Mayor Shane Sali and Federal Member Sam Birrell, Executive Director of Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd. Kate Fogarty and the design and build team from No. 42 Architects and Moretto’s Building. State Education Minister Ben Carroll recorded a lovely message of support as he could not be present, this was played to the audience gathered both in person and online. 


The event was celebrated with a ribbon cutting and cake cutting ceremony. Cake and cookies were the order of the day for students, staff and guests to enjoy. There are some great images from the event in this edition of il giornale. 


We now look to the completion of Stage 3A, which if you have been through the car park recently, you will have noticed is coming along very nicely. We are confident this build will be ready for the 2025 school year. As I write this address, we are also anxiously awaiting news of the outcome of our last grant submission to the State Government for the next stage of our build. The way the state government allocate their grants has changed in this round and we have had to apply for the next four years. Fingers and toes are crossed.


After the excitement of Thursday’s blessing and opening, we backed up today with our annual Feast Day Mass and Grandparents Day celebrations. We had a lovely mass celebrated by Fr Ruel, joined by Fr Rene. In his homily, Fr Ruel talked to us about finding the ‘gold’ in the gift of our grandparents – reminding us that God is love and that there is a beautiful reflection of God in the love between grandparents and their grandchildren. The church celebrates two saints on this day – St Anne and St Joachim. (the grandparents of Jesus) Pope Francis has also named the Sunday after this feast day as a day of celebration for Grandparents and the Elderly. So please take the time this weekend to reflect on the special contribution that grandparents 


None of these events occur without an incredible amount of planning and preparation. We have amazingly dedicated staff here at the college who go over and above to ensure that these special celebrations can be enjoyed by all participants. I would take this opportunity to thank all who played a role in preparing for the events of this week. 


Finally, my greatest thanks and deep sense of gratitude is for the students of the college who were engaged, flexible, reverent and respectful as these two major events occurred. From the younger students who prepared songs and dances all the way to the college student leadership team who led with humility and respect. It has been with a great sense of pride that I have been able to reflect on these events. As I start to ponder life beyond St Anne’s College, these are the moments that will stay with me forever. 


I hope that you find joy in your weekend!


Susan Carroll
