Senior School

Term 2 Reflection


WOW, what an amazing term we have had in Grade 5/6!


Term 2 has been filled with some amazing events including, Winter Inter-school Sport, Anzac Day, Shrek, Big Freeze, First Responders morning tea, Netball Clinics, Girls AFL day, Inter-school Finals and so much more. 


The Grade 5 and 6's also completed some great projects in our classes including, Anzac Posters, Biographies, Immigrations inquiry and our Boy Overboard Movie Trailers. 


Next Term we can look forward to the Grade 5/6 Marysville Camp, Bike Ed, Book Club and many other exciting learning opportunities. 


Here is some photos to highlight that amazing Term 2 we have had. 



We hope that you have a safe and happy holidays and we will see you back in Term 3. 


Year 5/6 Team