Foundation (Prep)

Thanks for a great term. Happy Holidays everyone!


In Prep C, we have been learning about poetry. We have read a variety of poems, talked about rhyming words, innovated on the text and placed our own words in the poems, and drawn pictures based on what we can visualise from the text. 

Whole class
Shared ideas
Miles and Will
Asher and Alexia
Whole class
Shared ideas
Miles and Will
Asher and Alexia
Innovating on the text
Rhyming words
Innovating on the text
Rhyming words


In mathematics, we have just completed a unit of work centred around concepts of time. Students were introduced to different times of the day such as: dawn, morning, afternoon, evening and night. We also discussed the difference between yesterday, today and tomorrow.

We have compared durations of time and discussed which would take longer when looking at two events. For example, which would take longer, brushing your teeth or having a bath? The children then came up with comparisons of their own.

Students focused on the days of the week and connected familiar events with particular days.

We also discussed the features of an analogue clock and practised make different times to the hour.

Social Skills

Many social skills, that we take for granted as adults, need to be taught to young children. There are many that are are addressed incidentally as the need arises but it is often beneficial to take the time to discuss social situations in more detail. Over the past two weeks, Prep C have listened to stories and discussed what it is to be a good friend. We have thought about what we as individuals can do to be a good friend and have drawn pictures to show what that would look like in real life. Rather than focusing on what we shouldn't do, we tried to flip it and look at what we would like it to look like.


Some of the key points we have discussed have been:

  • Looking after a friend if they are hurt or feeling upset
  • Including others in our games
  • Sharing when we are playing
  • Using kind words
  • Remembering to use our manners

These points are ideas that the students themselves have come up with. We will note down these important ideas and refer to them when we are playing and working with others at school.


It has been a busy term for our students and they are all feeling fatigued. I hope everyone has the opportunity for some rest over the holidays. I am looking forward to completing a unit of work centred around the upcoming Paris Olympics with the children after the break. But until then, I wish you all a safe and happy school holiday.  


Mrs Callaway