Student Assembly Awards

Courage - Harmony  - Integrity



Week 6 Assembly Awards






1Sebastian FangeraCouragemaking fantastic growth during initialit. Fluently reading words and sentences.
1Gene McGregorIntegrityworking hard to follow class routines and complete work in a timely manner. 
3Rayan JithinIntegrityfor ensuring his work is done in time and showing best his listening!
3Faith BullockHarmonyalways looking out for others and giving her learning her best go!
4Rudi DecrevelIntegrityfor always being a strong role model in room 4 and applying himself.
4Scarlett LanceHarmonyfor working well with others and being willing to compromise.
6Henrique Dohler EvangelistaIntegritymaking A choices in the classroom to get his work done to a high standard and not letting others distract him.
6Amirah HarrisIntegrityworking hard with her writing tasks to add extra detail and stretch her thinking.
7Laila CourtIntegritymaking positive choices to further stretch your learning, so proud of the progress you are making! 
7Tasman DuncanIntegrityalways completing work to a high standard, you are an incredibly hard worker that sets the standard in our room! 
10Dylan KemppainenCourageworking well with new partners or groupings and attempting new learning independently.
10Sophie KaeslerIntegrityconsistently displaying our school values and being a positive role model for others. 
11Jacob CampbellIntegrityContinues to attack his work every single day. Jacob is now starting to stretch his learning by editing his work.
11Ben WakefieldIntegrityBenji is an active student in class who manages his workload and is developing an excellent work ethic.

We pursue our personal best – no matter who we work with. 

We have reasons for the things we say and do. 

We have great sense and are sensible

We do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do.