Principals Message

End of Term Message
Dear Families, Teachers, and Students,
As we approach the winter holidays, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each member of our school community for your resilience, understanding, and dedication throughout this term. It has been a term filled with challenges, and your support has been invaluable.
As many of you are aware, we have faced significant staffing shortages. On numerous occasions, we have been unable to find replacement teachers, which has necessitated the splitting of students across different classes. Your flexibility, particularly the students who have adjusted to these changes, has been commendable. Thank you, families, for your understanding and patience during these times. When teachers have been unwell, we have had to collapse classes, an unfortunate but necessary measure to ensure all students continued their learning.
Despite our best efforts and repeated job advertisements, we have not secured enough teachers to cover all our classes next term. Consequently, I announced at the assembly on Friday that we will be reorganising and restructuring the school to ensure every student has a suitably qualified teacher. This will involve larger class sizes in some instances. However, we are committed to maintaining a high standard of education and will be employing additional support staff to assist in these larger classrooms. Our existing support staff will continue to provide targeted assistance to individual students with additional needs.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all staff for their flexibility and unwavering commitment to our students. The principal team will be consulting with staff representatives to determine the best approach for the upcoming term. Following these consultations, we will finalise our staffing plan for Term 3. Impacted classes, families, and teachers will be informed before the end of next week, ensuring students know who their teachers will be and which classrooms they will be in.
On another note, next week will be Mrs. Gifford's last week with us before she goes on maternity leave. We are incredibly grateful for her contributions to our school and wish her and her family all the best during this exciting time.
I hope you all have a restful and joyful winter break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back refreshed and ready for the new term.
Warm regards,
Cameron Nicholls
Semester Reports
Semester 1 reports will be available at the beginning of next week. The Semester 1 report provides a summary of your child's progress using a progression point scale, against the Standards in the Victorian Curriculum.
While Compass does provide a mobile application, a mobile device will not provide you with access to your child’s full report. Currently, parents and carers must login to Compass on a desktop computer to access the more sophisticated data sets available and access a full copy of your childs report.
From a desktop you can print and download your childs report.
If you are having trouble accessing your Compass account please feel free to contact the school.