Student News

Student activities and event highlights 

PE/Sport Update

Winter Sports Update: Moving on to the Gippsland Regional Finals!


We are excited to provide you with an update following the recent West Gippsland Divisional Winter Sports competition. This stage of interschool competition saw our Girls A Netball team, our Mixed Netball team, and our first-ever Hockey 7's and AFL Girls teams represent Trafalgar Primary School against other schools from across the West Gippsland division.


All our teams performed brilliantly, showcasing their talents and demonstrating the principles of teamwork and sportsmanship throughout the competition. The Girls A Netball team played with remarkable skill and determination, the Hockey 7's team made a fantastic debut with spirited gameplay, and our AFL Girls team impressed everyone with their competitiveness and strong teamwork.


We are especially proud to announce that our Mixed Netball team has advanced to the next stage of competition, the Gippsland Regional Finals, scheduled for Wednesday 31 July. Their outstanding performance and strong teamwork have earned them this well-deserved opportunity. Stay tuned for further updates as we cheer on our Mixed Netball team at the Gippsland Regional Finals in Term 3!


We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of the students who represented our school at West Gippsland Divisional Winter Sports. Your commitment, effort, and sportsmanship made us all incredibly proud. Additionally, a big thank you to all the staff and parents who supported our teams throughout this competition. Your unwavering support truly makes all the difference and is greatly appreciated.

Gippsland Regional Cross Country Update

We are pleased to provide an update following the Gippsland Regional Cross Country competition, which took place on Thursday, June 6th. We had four outstanding students—Max C, Blayke N, Havana B, and Isla J—who advanced to this stage after their remarkable performances at the West Gippsland Divisional competition.


Max, Blayke, Havana, and Isla did a wonderful job representing Trafalgar Primary School, displaying exceptional stamina, determination, and sportsmanship. They ran with heart and gave their all, making us incredibly proud of their efforts.


While our students performed admirably, unfortunately they will not be progressing to the next stage of the competition. Nonetheless, their participation and achievements at the Gippsland Regional Cross Country have been truly commendable.


We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the parents whose unwavering support helped their child to attend this event. Your encouragement and dedication have been instrumental in our students' success and development.


Congratulations once again to Max, Blayke, Havana, and Isla for their incredible efforts! We look forward to continuing to support you in future competitions.


Term 2 Music Update


Term 2 Instrumental concert


Dear Parents/Guardians,


The Trafalgar Primary School Music Department celebrates our amazing instrumental music program by holding two instrumental concerts each year.

The Trafalgar Primary School 2024 Mid-year instrumental music concert is on Thursday 27th of June starting at 5 pm in the Music room.

These concerts are a chance for instrumental students to showcase their musical talents to their families and friends.

The instrumental teachers will send home letters and contact the families of those ready and willing to perform.

Everyone is welcome. We look forward to seeing you all there.


If you have further enquiries about the concert or your child’s participation you can contact me or your instrumental teacher.


Ricky Allan 

Music coordinator/Specialist music teacher


The Tanjil Valley Art Show


The Tanjil Valley Art show was held over the King's Birthday long weekend and was again another remarkable show, with a strong turnout of students and their families coming out to Hill End to admire the incredible array of talent on display. Around 50 students from Trafalgar PS had their artwork featured, showcasing their creativity and dedication in the art room. 


The show featured works from professional artists to amateurs, with over 150 pieces in the youth art entries from schools including Willow Grove, Tanjil South, Yallourn North and St. Josephs as well as several private individual entries. Though we didn't secure any major awards in the Open 2D section, Yifei M received an honourable mention and encouragement award for her beautiful seal piece. We particularly excelled in the Postcards of Baw Baw section of the competition, with Indi B and Sienna G claiming 1st and 2nd prizes respectively. 


Congratulations to all who participated, and a special thanks to the volunteers who organise this event every year, enabling us to participate and celebrate art in our community.


Mrs. Brown


Bebras Challenge Certificate of Credit Awards



Most Valuable Player Awards

Breakfast Club


A huge thank you to one of our Year 1 students' families for their very kind financial donation to Breakfast Club and also a big thank you to the kind donations made by our school community.  This has enabled us to restock our pantry with the ever-popular Milo and jam.


Any extra donations of Milo, as well as jam would be greatly appreciated to support our school community!  


Looking forward to seeing you for brekky!


Mrs Burns and Mrs Marslen

Breakfast Club Masterchefs





Naming Student Items and Uniform

We have an astounding amount of unnamed uniform and student items in lost property. 

Daryl does a sweep of the yard daily after school and collects all lost property, more often than not, these are not named, so do not make it back to their owners.  

Please take care to name all uniform items and anything that your child brings to school.

Thank you for your cooperation. 




























































2024 Dance Lessons

Dear Parents/Carers,


Dance has begun for 2024!!  Please see flyer below for costs involved along with the enrolment form.  Weekly lessons commenced on Tuesday May 7th, the Juniors will participate at 12.30-1pm (Grades 1,2,3) and Seniors 1.30-2pm (Grades 4,5,6)  

Can all enrolments please be emailed directly to the dance studio via  Any that are handed into our office from hereon will also be emailed directly to the studio on your behalf. 


These should be submitted asap to secure your child's spot!


Kind regards