End of Term 

Important Information

Information, news, and updates.

NPS 'ALWAYS ON' FEEDBACK PORTAL - Leave your feedback via this link

Building Works during the Term Break

This week saw the commencement of some external building works at school. These works will be continuing throughout the school holiday break and are the first of a number of areas that will have works completed as a whole project overseen by the VSBA. 

Please be mindful of this if you are planning to use our grounds / playground spaces during the holiday break. We would not recommend allowing children to access the school grounds unsupervised during this time. 

Student Family Occupation & Work Information Updates (action required)

We are asking all Newtown Families to please take 5 minutes to complete a google form to update/confirm their level of School and Non-School Education and Employment Information. 

Please navigate to the online form HERE

Full explanation on why this information is required and how it is used by the Department of Education is detailed on the online form. Thank you for your prompt response and assistance in keeping our family and student records as accurate and up to date as possible. 

Please note: It is vitally important that the school is always notified of any changes in contact information as soon as the change occurs.

Private Music Lessons - Expressions of Interest Needed

Recent feedback from our community has shown that there is an emerging appetite for private music lessons. As a result, we have started to investigate some local providers and would like to give them with an idea of what our school would be looking for.

Please complete the survey via the link HERE to help us gather this information.

Trivia Night - Can you support our School?

EVENT DATE: Sat 27th July 2024

We are now underway with the organisation of our annual major fundraising event, our TRIVIA NIGHT! We are excited to share that tickets are now on sale! 

Click HEREto book your seats/table now!


We are very happy to announce that we have a secured our major sponsor for the evening... introducing 


Boss Dog are located at 138 Pakington St, Geelong West and offer a range of expert dog grooming services, for any dog big or small!


We are still on the lookout for donations of auction items and prizes. If you operate or are connected with a business or individual that may be able to make a contribution to our wonderful event in the form of: Auction Items, Table Prizes, Vouchers, Discount Coupons / Samples etc

We would love to hear from you!

Please contact the school office if you are able to support our major school fundraiser for the year on 5229 9730 or email newtown.ps@education.vic.gov.au  

Newtown PS is Social!

Are you connected with our social media accounts?

Did you know that we are on Instagram and Facebook? We love sharing our achievements and happenings with our school community, and one of the ways in which we do that is via our social media. We have recently re-activated our Facebook page and continue to post on Instagram. Follow us via the links below.