Sport News

Physical Education Upgrades
2 New Volleyball Courts
Volleyball has been on the rise at Lyndale for the past few years. I am happy to announce that fingers crossed we will have 2 new outdoor volleyball courts in action at the start of Term 4. The lawn has been laid and the maintenance team will be working on erecting the posts for our nets to go up. Really looking forward to these courts being ready for our students to use at recess/lunchtime along with our beach volleyball court. These courts will also be used as part of our extended PE program.
Long Jump Pit and Pathway
We also have a new long jump pit and pathway leading up to our pit. Every year in Term 1 we use the pit for our Athletics unit. The students will be definitely enjoy having this new facility ready for them to use in 2025.
Re – location of Soccer Storage Gages
We now have easier access and safe storage of our mini soccer goals near our line marked modified fields on the oval.
Line Markings for Bike Education
Last year we launched our Bike Education program at the Year 9 level.
Further funding has assisted us to expand and promote a culture of Active Travel 'FOR ALL’ students which we began in 2022 with our previous Active School’s grant. We have had more students gain confidence and begin to ride to school. We want to further encourage more students to ride to school so we are continuing to improve our Bike Education program using funds from our second successful grant by doing the following:
2024 - Completed and Planned Actions
- Completed line-marking on the main school driveway (see pictures)
- Completed ongoing service and repairs of our bike fleet
- Planned bike pathways and signage, make-shift lights, stop and give way signs that will allow students to learn how to ride safely in the community within our school grounds.
- We have purchased more bike locks for students who aren't in the position to buy their own. Anyone that needs should come and see me
Theo Petkaris
Head of Health and Physical Education