Primary School News

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to Term 3!

We are looking forward to welcoming you back to Term 3 next week, and we will be celebrating NAIDOC week together as a school community. I hope you have had a lovely break, and you have managed some down time, ready for another exciting term filled with events, discovery and learning. It was lovely to see some students at the Sports Holiday Clinics and Code Camp that were offered throughout the break.


Term 3 resumes on Tuesday 9 July (Week B), with Monday 8 July a Student Free Day.


A reminder for the following Public Holiday and Student Free Days which occur this term and the College will be closed: 


Week 1:     Monday 8 July – Student Free Day 

Week 6:     Wednesday 14 August – Exhibition Public Holiday

Week 8:     Friday 30 August – QCAA Student Free Day

Week 10:  Friday 13 September – Student Free Day


The last day of Term 3 is Thursday 12 September, at the regular pick-up time. 


As per the interim staffing arrangements communicated in Term 2, regarding Dr Andrew Cousins’ sabbatical, Mrs Audrey Fellowes, Mrs Miriam Bryan and Mrs Robynne Bailey will resume their normal roles from Week 2, Monday 15 July.


Mrs Audrey Fellowes             Deputy Principal – Head of Primary

Mrs Miriam Bryan                   Assistant Head of Primary

Mrs Robynne Bailey               PP-2 Coordinator


As previously communicated (please refer to email dated 27 May), Prep K Teacher, Mrs Kerri Panaretos has taken extended leave returning in Week 6, Monday 12 August.  Mrs Laura McNiff will be teaching Prep K for this time.


Due to the growth of the College, we are delighted to welcome Miss Rachael Fellowes who will be working in the English as an Additional Language and Dialect (EALD) Department for the remainder of this year. Rachael has held roles in Learning Support and assisted students with English for many years, most recently at Coomera Anglican College and The Southport School.

Pre-Prep Parent/Teacher Interviews and Prep to Year 6 Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences

As per previous communication and booking instructions emailed at the end of Term 2, please note the following schedule for Pre-Prep Parent Teacher Interviews and Prep to Year 6 Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences: 

Week 1Pre-PrepTuesday 9 July   3:30pm–7:00pm
  Wednesday 10 July   3:30pm – 5:30pm
  Thursday 11 July   3:30pm – 7:00pm 
  Location:   Pre-Prep Classroom     
 Prep to Year 6  Tuesday 9 July     3:30pm–7:00pm
  Thursday 11 July  3:30pm–7:00pm
  Location:  Core Classrooms 
Week 21WTuesday 16 July - Thursday 18 July 
  Location: Core Classroom  
Week 6Prep KTuesday 13 August and Thursday 15 August  
  Location: Core Classroom  

Sports News

Andrews Cup (Years 2 to 6 girls only) 


Competition Dates: 

  • Football – 23 July (Years 4 to 6)
  • Athletics – 15 August (Years 2 to 6)
  • Basketball – 3 September (Years 4 to 6)

Training has begun for these sports and further information is available on the College App. 


Event details with more information will be forwarded to families closer to the date.


Britton Shield (Years 2 to 7 boys only) 


Competition Dates: 

  • Football – 19 July
  • Basketball – 5 September

Further information will be sent to families closer to the competition dates. 

New Students

We are delighted to welcome several new students from Prep to Year 6 to the College this term. We are also pleased to welcome short-stay students from Korea, China and Japan who will be experiencing an Australian school over their summer holidays. We wish both our new and short-stay students and families a wonderful beginning as they start their journey at Clayfield College. 

School Uniform

All students should be wearing their Winter Uniform as they return to school for Term 3. As we are making the transition from the old uniform to the new one, please be reminded of the following requirements. Please note, students in Year 6 are permitted to wear the pants in Winter. 


Formal Winter (Primary)



New Uniform 

Striped blouse


Striped dress

Pants (Year 6 only)

White Shirt/Tie



Navy long socks 

Navy long stockings 


Former Uniform 

Striped dress



Long white socks 

Nude stockings


New Uniform

Striped Shirt 

Navy Shorts

Navy Pants (Year 6 only)

White Shirt/Tie

Socks (3/4 length)



Long navy socks



Former Uniform

Green Shirt 

Grey Shorts

Long grey socks




 **ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE THEIR BUCKET HAT FOR PLAY – we follow a strict No Hat, No Play Policy to keep our students sun safe.


The Uniform Shop details are:


Phone:              3262 0251

Tuesday:          8:00am – 2:00pm

Wednesday    12:00pm - 4:00pm

Thursday         8:00am – 2:00pm

Before School Hours and Supervision

  • 7:30am – 8:25am | Lower Learning Resource Centre (LRC)
  •  8:00am – 8:25am | Playground

The LRC is open from 7:30am if students arrive before 8:00am. Please do not drop your son/daughter off at school prior to 7:30am, as there are no staff members on duty. 


If arriving before 8:25am, students are permitted to drop their bags outside classrooms, put their hats on and go to the playground or Lower LRC area. A bell will ring, which signifies the beginning of the school day at 8:25am and students should line up outside their classroom to wait for their teacher. The amphitheatre and Palm Grove playgrounds are available for play between 8:00am and 8:25am; however, the new playground area, Treetops, in Leopard Terrace is strictly out of bounds before and after school. The Pre-Prep classroom door opens at 8.30am daily. A parent or carer must wait with their Pre-Prep student until such time as the doors open. 

Grandparents’ Day

We look forward to hosting Grandparents' Day, which will be held in Week 5, Friday 9 August. Our grandparents will enjoy morning tea, classroom visits and a special musical performance. Due to numbers, this event is specifically for our wonderful grandparents; however, if a grandparent is unable to attend, a special friend is more than welcome.


Please see the invitation below with the link to book (for catering purposes, please make sure you tick the box for Pre-Prep or Prep to Year 6). We look forward to seeing you there! 

Free Dress Fundraising Days

Friday 19 July: Pyjama Day – Ashburn House 


All students may wear Pyjamas while at school. Closed in shoes (no Crocs) must be worn. If traveling via public transport, students must wear their Winter Uniform to and from school. 


Friday 2 August: Jeans for Genes Day – Campbell House


All students may wear denim jeans, denim jackets and an appropriate sleeved shirt or blouse. 


Payments for all House Free Dress Fundraisers for 2024 can be made via the Pay Online page of the College website. A $12 donation is suggested to cover all six Houses.

Clubs Program

The Clubs Program will begin in Week 2 of Term 3 and information in relation to this will be distributed via the College App at the beginning of the term. Clubs are optional, at no cost to families and the offerings change each term. 

Homework Club

Homework Club is available to students from Year 3 onwards in the Lower LRC on Monday to Thursday from 3:15pm - 5:00pm. In order to attend, Primary students must be registered via email to As places fill up very quickly, you are encouraged to book in early for the day(s) you would like to attend. Further, Primary students must be signed out by a parent or caregiver from the Lower LRC. Students are not permitted to leave the Lower LRC unattended by a parent or caregiver unless they are moving to a co-curricular activity. Parents must inform Student Services of this activity when registering their child. 


Pick up time is strictly by 5:00pm. If you are running late or know that you will not be on Campus by this time, could you please call ahead on the College number (3262 0262), which is diverted to the Lower LRC. This way we can send students to OSHC for a safe pick up, when you arrive.


If your child has changed their activities, or your afternoon plans have altered affecting their attendance at Homework Club, we must receive notification via email to


Homework Club is a school program and as such, all students using this facility are expected to adhere to the Clayfield College Positive Behaviour Framework. These include listening to staff instructions, remaining in the LRC unless given permission to leave, and respecting peers and staff.


Thank you so very much for your assistance with these processes. 

External Providers Co-Curricular Activities

The following external sports and activities will be available for students to participate in Term 3. Please contact the provider directly for bookings and information. Mrs David is the College contact for any questions you may have. 



Updating Details – Parent Lounge

Parent Lounge provides up-to-date information on College life. Such information includes your child’s timetable and teachers, policy documents, excursion details, school calendar and parent directory. Parents are also able to update their contact details and child’s medical details, view Report Cards and schedule Parent/Teacher interviews. Please see below a guide that will assist you in navigating key features of Parent Lounge.



College App Notifications and Subscriptions

A helpful reminder, to please manage your notifications and subscriptions to reflect your child/ren’s co-curricular activities for Term 3.  You can manage your notifications and subscriptions to ensure you are only seeing what is relevant to your family.  Please refer to the following link for information and access:

Policies Reminder

As we begin a new Semester, it is timely to review the following College Policies and talk with your child about technology use and wearing the correct uniform. Thank you for your continued partnership as we aim to keep all in our community safe. 


Key Term 3 Dates




Week 1

8 July Staff Day/Student Free Day
9 July Term 3 starts 
Pre-Prep- Year 6 Parent/Teacher Conferences
10 JulyPre-Prep Parent/Teacher Conferences
All WeekNAIDOC Week 
11 JulyPre-Prep to Year 6 Parent/Teacher Conferences

Primary Assembly – Semester 1 (Academic)

Please note the start time of 12 noon

Week 2 

17 JulyYear 1W Parent/Teacher Conferences
18 July Care@Clayfield Event: Judith Locke 
Year 1W Parent/Teacher Conferences
19 JulyPre-Prep to Year 12 Pyjama Day Fundraiser 
Britton Shield Football

Week 3

All WeekFaith Week 
23 JulyAndrews Cup Football
28 July On the Green 

Week 4

2 AugustPre-Prep to Year 12 Jeans for Genes Day Fundraiser

Week 5

9 AugustYears Pre-Prep to Year 6 Grandparents' Day

Week 6

All Week National Science Week 
14 August Ekka Public Holiday  
15 August Andrews Cup Athletics
Prep K Parent/Teacher Conferences
17 August OPUS 3 Concert

Week 7 

All Week Book Week 
23 August Pre-Prep to Year 6 Book Week Character Parade

Week 8

28 August

Pre-Prep to Year 12 Father's Day Breakfast and  

P&F Association Father's Day Stall

29 AugustOPUS 4 Concert

Week 9 

3 SeptemberAndrews Cup Basketball
P&F Association Meeting
5 SeptemberBritton Shield Basketball 

Week 10 

9 SeptemberPrep to Year 1 Sports and Games Day
9 September - 12 SeptemberYear 6 Canberra Tour
12 SeptemberEnd of Term 3
13 SeptemberStaff Day/Student Free Day 

The wonderful Primary staff are always available to assist should you require any help. Their best contact is via email; however, for anything that requires immediate attention, please call the College directly. Mrs Bryan, Assistant Head of Primary, is available to answer any further concerns after you have touched base with the classroom teacher. 

I am always happy to receive feedback and continue conversations with you; please contact Mrs Wyer to arrange a convenient time.


We look forward to sharing another fabulous term with you.  


Yours sincerely,  


Mrs Audrey Fellowes  

Deputy Principal - Head of Primary