Principal's Ponderings

From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit

Look How Far They've Come

Tonight (Wednesday), we gather to celebrate the opening night of High School Musical Jr, our inaugural Year 7 & 8 musical at DCS and I am filled with immense pride and gratitude. This moment is not just a culmination of months of hard work and dedication, but a testament to the incredible journey our students have undertaken over the years of their schooling. 

Reflecting on their early years, I am reminded of their Kinder performance of 'Moving On' in 2015. Even then, their enthusiasm and potential were evident. As they progressed to Prep and Year 1, they were part of bringing 'Ants'Hillvania' to life in 2017, showcasing their growing confidence and teamwork. Their delightful portrayal of 'Seussical Jr.' in Year 2 and 3 further highlighted their creativity and passion for the arts. Now these same students, with new friends and more students, stand before us ready to lead a secondary-based musical, embodying resilience and determination.

Their journey has been a rollercoaster of rehearsals, scheduling and overcoming challenges. Yet, through it all, they have remained steadfast, performing to the best of their abilities. This perseverance echoes the words of James 1:12 ‘Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.’


Our celebrations extend beyond the secondary level. Last week, our Year 5/6 students led the Ping Pong-a-thon, demonstrating their commitment to making a difference. Their initiative to raise funds for a noble cause showcases the leadership qualities we strive to instill in our students. They embody the essence of 1 Timothy 4:12: ‘Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.’

As Christian educator Henri Nouwen once said, ‘The greatest gift we can give one another is the gift of our belovedness.’ Our students, through their actions and achievements, remind us of their belovedness and the impact they are destined to make in the world. They are stepping out as the next generation of leaders, equipped to change our world for the better.

As we conclude this term and mark the halfway point of 2024, let us continue to honour Jesus and remain unshakeable in our faith. Philippians 1:6 reassures us, ‘being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.’ Our students' growth is a testament to this promise.


Let us celebrate how far they have come, cherishing each milestone and looking forward to the many more to come. Together, as a community, we will support, nurture, and guide them, honoring the journey and rejoicing in their achievements.

After this week, enjoy your winter break, and we will see you when students commence for Term Three on Thursday July 25th.




Chad Smit | Principal