Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,
Another incredibly busy term at Warrnambool Primary School is coming to an end. I would like to congratulate our students for working so hard on their tasks throughout the term. We have seen much growth, socially, academically and emotionally from our students. This growth has been reflected in their assessments in Literacy, Numeracy and the other subject areas. I would also like to thank the parent body for continuing your partnership with our school with the aim to ensure your children achieve the best outcomes. When children have strong attendance at school and receive support from home their results always improve. We were very pleased with our 2024 NAPLAN achieving a Strong rating on average across Reading, Writing, Spelling and Numeracy in Years 3 and 5.
Well done to our very hard-working and dedicated staff who always have the very best intentions for all of our students.
The students and staff have earned a break over the next fortnight. If you are lucky enough to get away for a period of time or you are at home with your families please enjoy the next two weeks and we’ll see you all again in July.
Please note ‘Their Care’ will be operating during the holiday break if parents wish to access the program.
Farewell to John Papadopoulos, who has concluded an extraordinary teaching career spanning over 35 years.
He will be sadly missed by students and colleagues alike. We farewelled him at assembly and he treated us to an entertaining sing-a-long. This week Mr Papadopoulos has treated our students with some gifts which included Shishi odoshi (Japanese water fountain) and mini zen gardens with a rake.
Good luck to John with the next phase of his life, which includes exciting travel plans.
Farewell to Jenny Elz. Jenny has decided to move on to another phase of her life.
She has been a great contributor both as a parent and staff member at Warrnambool Primary School for many years.
We wish her the best of luck in her future endeavours.
Today we bid farewell to our Canadian visitors Tara Gauthier, Kayla Bleeker, and Lauren Hare. Last week staff treated them to an Aussie morning tea which consisted of some favourite Aussie treats including, cheesymite scrolls, fairy bread, tim tams, hot dogs and more. We thank them for coming to visit and we hope they enjoyed their time here as much as we have enjoyed having them.
Congratulations to Jarryd, Emily, and Gigi Lewis on the birth of their new child and sibling Billie. They are all doing well, and we wish them the very best of luck.
Jarryd will be on leave for the first few weeks of Term 3, and we are pleased to announce that Nick Palmer will be filling in during that time.
Welcome Sam Webster to Warrnambool Primary School! Sam will be teaching Japanese.
She is a very accomplished teacher and a parent at the school. We wish her well in her new role.
NAIDOC Week 2024 is an annual celebration held in Australia to honour the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
It's a time for all Australians to come together to celebrate and acknowledge the rich cultural heritage of the country's Indigenous peoples.
Due to NAIDOC week falling on the school holidays our Koorie leaders will talk about NAIDOC week at our assembly in Week 2.
At this stage, we are also planning for the girls who have been participating in the Indigenous dancing lessons to perform at the assembly as well.
Local Indigenous artist and educator, Sherry Johnstone, will be at school during week 2, working with each class during their set Art lessons. We look forward to seeing the students’ work after these sessions and thank Mrs Dixon for her involvement in this initiative.
We wish our first nations families in our Warrnambool Primary School Community all the very best during this week.
A friendly reminder regarding safety and parking around the Jamieson St crossing. It is illegal to park close to the crossing when the flags are displayed. If you are too close, it is difficult for the Crossing Supervisor to see oncoming traffic, especially if your vehicle is large. The safety of your children is of paramount importance to the Supervisors so we would appreciate your assistance in ensuring that this is complied with.
Your friendly Crossing Supervisors.
Students and staff will return to school on Monday 15th July 2024.
Enjoy the holidays.
Peter Lee