Drop Zone Reminders:

Your help is much appreciated.
The following is a list of ways you can help - the first being one of the most important ways:
Drive all the way to the top of the zone to drop off or collect your children. The bottom gate at the start of our drop-off zone should not be a stopping point.
Time your arrival as close as possible to when your child is released - either 2:40 or 2:50 pm. This makes a huge difference to congestion levels.
- Stay in your car if you are not stopped in an official carpark. One of the biggest problems is when parents double park, go off to collect their child, leave their car locked, and block traffic. This is a total no-no!
- If you are double parking, stop as close to the line of parked cars as possible - this allows space for others to get past you and exit the zone.
- If you are waiting to turn right into the drop-off zone, please wait until there is a clear space for you to do so. Often, parents pull into the drop-off zone, but there is no room, so they block the lane of traffic heading up towards Palomino Shops. This is dangerous and causes other drivers a lot of frustration.
- Travel slowly through our drop-off zone. Little children often want to dart across to the other side of the zone because their parents are waiting there. Because of this, you need to be ready to stop quickly at any time.
- If you are parked in our drop-off zone, pull in your rear-view mirrors so cars squeezing through don't hit them.
- Please avoid using our drop-off zone if possible. Park down the road or on the street at the bottom of the walking lane opposite our school entrance. A short walk does wonders for everyone's health.
- Please don't park at the Palomino Shops - unless you are making purchases. I regularly receive calls from members of the public telling me how angry they are that I don't police the Palomino Shops carpark. I know that's ridiculous, but that's what some expect of me. I try to explain I have no authority, and some 20 minutes later they finish venting at me and I continue with my day.
Thank you for your support in this; we will continue to do our best to support our community and keep our children safe.