Grade 3 & 4 

Term 2 - Week 9

Where has this term gone?

We have welcomed new students to our Learning Community - Thresy, Hannah, Angelin and Johan. We look forward to sharing our learning with you and also to learn some things from you.

This week we have started to explore what our research project might look like that connects to our learning about chemical and physical sciences. The starting point is 'How the forces of nature shape our world?' We brainstormed lots of ideas we had from our activities learning all about heat, cold and different forces.  We chose a topic that we want to find out more about and then listed eight wonderings to research. Only after we have our wonderings and a teacher checks them, then we are able to locate and research the answers to create our own poster which we then will share with our home group.

It has been lots of fun learning about the platypus in reading and writing. We have learnt new words, new ideas for writing interesting sentences and new information. Our new text is all about the Daintree Rainforest, let's hope it is as interesting as the platypus text.