Grade 1 & 2 

Term 2 - Week 9

Last week we welcomed Miss Madison Church into our learning community. She is an ACU student in her 3rd year and is working with and learning from Mrs Bush. The children and staff are blessed to have her in our space and wish her the best during this placement.


Also last week our students walked in from recess and found that they had no glue sticks or colouring pencils on their desks. They had all QUIT! This came from the book they were to study ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ written by Drew Daywalt. The children needed to write a persuasive text for why or why not the glues sticks and pencils should come back. They soon discovered that they did need them, even if they thought they didn’t. They also wrote letters pretending to be their favourite colour crayon and their reasons for quitting.

The students have all been very busy during Mathematics, learning about bridging numbers to tens when adding and subtracting and all about doubles. In Inquiry, the students have been learning about weather and seasons and how the weather affects animals and humans. The students made some wonderful trioramas to showcase their knowledge about animals and what they do/look like in each season. 

We hope you all enjoy your weekend. 

Heather Bush, Claire Burke, Anne Newton, Mollie Murray & Michelle Friend.