
Hai semua (Hi everyone)!


We are currently completing our semester assessments and it is amazing to see the growth that has taken place in Indonesian classes. Well done to everyone on their achievements.


Our Foundation students have been working hard to learn new songs and chants using Indonesian numbers. We have read lots of new Indonesian stories about funny animals, naughty monkeys and interesting insects. We have counted (in Indonesian) all sorts of different collections. 


Our Grade 1/2 students have been learning all about zoo animals. They have watched videos and read stories and even designed their own zoo - including labels written in Indonesian. It is quite remarkable to see what the students this age can remember with regards to new vocabulary.


Our Grade 3/4 students have been learning all about pets. They can write interesting sentences about pets, describing their colour and age. Some students are presenting their learnings on Google Slides and some and making posters.


Our Grade 5/6 students are creating detailed Google Slides introducing themselves and describing their lives. They are writing Indonesian sentences about foods they like, hobbies and sports they play, and pets they have or want. 


Keep an eye out for a booklet coming home with each child detailing their learning this term. 


Have a wonderful weekend!


Ibu (Mrs) Ally Brennan