Library News

"Every stone has a story -- an echo of time, the memory of a place where wonder is found." -- The book of stone by Mark Greenwood. 

'Check out' some of our NEW books ...

Roy is an ordinary bird in every way. He is not the biggest or the smallest. His squawk is not the loudest or the quietest. He even follows the same football team as everybody else. He is very normal, except for one thing -- he has arms!


Every night at midnight, Felix turns into a wolf. There’s no one else like him. Or is there?


If I was a horse, I would gallop all day. I could go anywhere I want. If you were a horse, what would you do? Could you fit in your clothes? Would you give your little sister a ride? Would your brother even notice?


Take an extraordinary journey through the science, history and wonders of teeth. 


Welcome to the ocean! Our tour begins in the crystal-clear Mediterranean Sea. From here, we will voyage through the icy Arctic, weave through seaweed forests, dive down to unknown depths and float over fluorescent coral reefs. Along the way, we'll be joined by the trillions of marine creatures who call the world's oceans and seas their home. 


This book is a reminder for all kids that everything they need to be brave, strong and brilliant is already in them.