Senior School

Year 11 & 12 RYDA Road Safety
On Tuesday June 26th, our Year 11 and 12 students had the opportunity to participate in the RYDA Road Safety Program. Several workshops were held at Deakin University where we gained insight about safe driving practices, decision making and consequences. Students heard from local police, crash victims and driving professionals all in a bid to ensure their safety as they gain their licences. Thank you to Mr Wakim for organsing this event for our students.
Brad Zeunert
Head of Senior School
Warrnambool Eisteddfod
Recently we have had many students participate in the Warrnambool Eisteddfod. We have had the Choir, Senior Band, Year 7 and 8 band, String Ensemble and small ensemble groups from the Year 9 and 10 music option all perform really well. The Choir, Senior Band and String Ensemble all won their sections. This was the first time a King's College band has won the Senior Band section at the Warrnambool Eisteddfod. Well done to all of the students who work so hard to improve their skills in music.
Andrew Philpot
Music Teacher
VCE Business Management - SWHC Field Trip
On Friday 14th June, the Unit 1/2 Business Management class went on a field trip to the Regional Logistics Distribution Centre of South West Health Care. Here are some student reflections on the experience:
We travelled to South West Health Care and learned about their new Regional Logistic Distribution Centre, and their robotic storing system. The robots are built and serviced by Dematic, and the software system used for placing orders and sorting goods was called Oracle. The system had 10 robots that could travel on tracks at the top of the shelving area. The shelves were made up of plastic crates (totes) that were stacked on top of each other. The facility could hold up to 6,600 totes, and each tote had a barcode and was sorted by the robots. When an order came in, the robots selected goods from the oldest tote, and delivered it to the packing location. It was interesting to see the new technologies and view one of the most efficient storing systems in the world. - Nekoda B
On Friday the 14th of June, the King's College VCE Unit 1 and 2 Business Management class went to the newly developed South West Health Care facility. The RLDC - Regional Logistic Distribution Centre that supplies 17 regional hospitals. We viewed the organisation system of 6,600 storage totes and ten robots. But we also learned that only around three thousand of these totes are full and at least one thousand totes are used a day. This system of robot organization is a lot more efficient and accurate but it’s more time consuming. Thank you to Matt from Neil Porter Legacy, Emma, Renee, and Martin the warehouse manager for our visit. I learnt a lot about how we are using robots and technology and how the facility operates to supply hospitals. - Petra A
On the 14th of June we visited the brand new SWHC facility which specialises in the distribution of a large variety of products to 17 hospitals around South West Victoria. Their storage facility has the capacity to hold 6,600 tote storage containers. These containers are retrieved by 10 robots which help to stock and replace them in the correct area. I learned that there is a very expansive technological sector behind the healthcare industry which a lot of employment opportunities. We were led by Renee, Emma and Martin, as well as Matt from Neil Porter Legacy, and of course Noah Edge himself. - Zach B
Matthew Jellie
Senior School Teacher
VCEVM - Warrnambool Bus Lines Field Trip
Last week, the VCEVM class visited Warrnambool Bus Lines. Here is a student reflection on the trip:
On Monday the 17th of June 2024, the majority of the VCEVM students went on an excursion to the Warrnambool Bus Lines depot to see what goes on behind the scenes and how they run, and also what other jobs are involved other than being a bus driver. I enjoyed walking around the depot as Bruno toured us around showing us how many buses and workers there are, and taking a peek inside the workshop. Overall it was good to know that there’s more than just a bus driver. - Bridie M
Matthew Jellie
Senior School Teacher
Year 8 Food Tech
As it was the final week of compulsory Food Tech for the Year 8 boys, I let them choose what to make, and they chose Pizza. Great job boys!
Ally Robinson
Senior School Teacher