Year 3/4

During term 2, the grade 3/4 students learned about summarising. We began by learning identifying information that was “good to know” and information that was important. After, the students learned about main idea and began to find it in a nonfiction text.
Our unit concluded by learning different strategies to write our summaries. A strategy we focused on was the SQ3R strategy. This strategy helps us skim the text, ask and answer questions, and give an oral summary. We used this strategy with a variety of nonfiction texts. The students also learned how to pull out key information from a nonfiction text to write their summary.
In Term 2, the year 3/4 students started the term learning about poetry. We explored a wide range of poetry types. The students read cinquains, haikus, I am poems, 5 senses poems, free verse, and many other types. After reading these poems they wrote their own poetry following the structure. We published these poems and shared them with the other classes.
Our final unit for this term was biographies. The students picked someone to write about and researched them. We learned how to take notes effectively. After, the students took their information and synthesised it into a paragraph. They were very excited to share the information they learned with the class.
We also had a focus on sentence structure, handwriting, and morphology. Our students learned about prefixes and suffixes. They learned how to identify them and add them to words. We practised writing complete sentences and had a big focus on using full stops. One of our favourite activities was creating a noun town. The students created a town and labelled every noun they could see! We began our writing lessons with handwriting practise each day. We can’t wait to see how neatly the students write as the year continues.
Our numbers and algebra unit this term was on addition and subtraction strategies. We learned different ways to solve addition and subtraction problems in an efficient manner. We began by reviewing tens facts and using our knowledge of tens facts to apply to other equations. Our next strategy was using doubles facts and doubles plus one. We looked for doubles in equations and used the doubles to help us solve the problem.
In measurement and data, we practised finding the length. This unit was very engaged and hands on. The students went to the yard and measured different areas of the playground and how far they can jump, throw, and run. We used a variety of tools like rulers, metre sticks, tape measures, and trundle wheels to measure. The students explored the tools and then picked the best tool for the situation.
Our inquiry unit this term was “Have Your Say.” This unit focused on the government of Australia. The students began by creating a minecraft island and creating different rules and laws for their island. Afterwards, we started researching the levels of government and what they are in charge of. We learned about rank choice voting and had class votes on different topics. The students identified problems they saw at school, brainstormed solutions, and wrote letters to the group in charge of those areas sharing their suggestions.
Our unit concluded with an incursion called, “Democracy, Community, and Me.” The students participated in role plays to experience the democratic process. They students had a mock election to learn about preferential voting and majorities. We participated in a local council role play, with costumes and props, to experience how rules are made in our community. They also had a mock debate to get the full grasp of the democratic process.
During Term 2, our Grade 3/4 students have been investigating how the Earth’s rotation on its axis causes regular changes, including night and day. Students have engaged in weekly Kahoot quizzes at the beginning of each session to consolidate their learning from the previous session. They have enjoyed learning about the Sun, Earth and Moon through videos, interactive games and hands-on activities. Students have demonstrated the movements of the Earth, Moon and Sun using physical objects and created detailed diagrams showing the relative sizes and revolutions of the Earth, Sun and Moon. Many students had voiced their interest in learning about the planets and as a result, students participated in an activity where they created suncatcher models of the planets focusing on their size and colour. To conclude the unit students have had the opportunity to create papier mache models of the Sun, Moon and Earth.
During this term. Grade 34’s learned about Auslan being a signed language using the hands, with no voice, which is used by the Deaf Community. They learned the Auslan Alphabet, and frequently used signs associated with Colours, Family, School, Farm Animals, and Describing Animals. Grade 34’s also learned to sign Numbers in Auslan using their dominant (writing) hand. This learning was introduced through explicit sign teaching videos, games, stories, and group practice. Learning Auslan involved both expressive (signing) and receptive understanding skills (reading back what others’ sign), hence activities were designed to develop these skills. Students were encouraged to participate in lesson related activities and shared their learning and understanding with their peers and teacher. At this level, students had an increased expectation regarding non-voicing, additional revision,
use of simple sentences and responding to questions.
During term 2 the grade 3 /4 students have learnt about Monochromatic art, and its use of variations of just one colour. Throughout these lessons the students have explored how they can create different tones and shades by mixing different amounts of black or white to their base colour, they then used this knowledge to create their own Monochromatic art pieces by mixing paint to create their own shades and tints of their chosen base colour. The students then explored different art pieces by Vincent Van Gogh such as ‘The Starry Night’, after learning about Vincent Van Gogh and the story behind “The Starry Night” the students used their prior knowledge on how to mix colours to create different shades and tones to create their very own “The Starry Night” picture.
For term 2 the grade 3/4 students will have worked on the sports of soccer and athletics. Our students once again engaged in each of these sports and learnt the relevant skills needed to play and participate in games. Once the students learnt the relevant skills, they were all given the opportunity to participate in a games-based approach to Physical Education. Students found this approach fun and enjoyable which created a positive environment to learn in. Students engaged in small-sided games of soccer and were able to show and apply their skill development. At the conclusion of this unit, we moved to our athletics unit and focused on the throwing events which included shot put and discus. Students learnt the correct techniques and then attempted to throw using actual equipment. This was a great experience and something that most students have not done before. In addition to this the whole school participated in a five-week dance program facilitated by stomp dance academy. This was enjoyed by all and was a source of excitement and fun for every student. In the final week of term, the whole school took part in athletics week. All students enjoyed this and it was great to see such high levels of school spirit throughout the week. Thank you to the house captains, and teachers for the support to run the weeks’ worth of events. Congratulations to all our grade 3/4 students on your efforts so far this year. Keep up the great work during the second half of the year.
During Term 2, the students consolidated their understanding and application of the beat and distinguishing it from rhythm patterns. They did this through tapping the beat as they listened to music and sang songs. They played clapping games that supported this concept and explored the beat through body percussion, movement and playing percussion instruments. They practised copying and creating rhythmic patterns. The students explored pitch (high and low) using a range of pitched percussion instruments and applied their understanding to copy and create simple melodies. They learnt about the C Major scale and learnt to name the notes they were playing. The students combined their understanding of rhythm and pitch to create and perform melodic ostinatos. The students extended their experience of dynamics (soft and loud sounds) by expressively adjusting the volume of their voices when singing. The students developed their understanding of tempo (speed) through learning new songs and listening and responding to a variety of music.