Year 1/ 2

This term, our Grade 1/2 students have embarked on an exciting journey in reading, developing a wide range of comprehension skills and exploring both fiction and non-fiction texts.
Our students have learned how to differentiate between questions and statements, understanding that asking questions before, during, and after reading helps them make sense of a text. They practised making predictions and clarifying their understanding with texts like Alexandra’s Outing and The Invisible Boy.
In exploring non-fiction texts such as Baby Ducks, Food Around the World, and Ways to Grow Gardening – Planting, the students discovered the features that help them navigate and understand informational content. They delved into headings, subheadings, content pages, glossaries, and captions, and even engaged in hands-on activities by following and writing procedural texts to create Hairy Harrys and make Fairy bread.
Vocabulary building and phonological awareness have been key focuses. With texts like Wishy-Washy Music students practised segmenting and blending words. They also learned subject-specific vocabulary and strategies to clarify unfamiliar words.
Through fiction books like Rose Meets Mr. Wintergarden and Meerkat Mail, our students made meaningful connections to their own experiences and other texts they have read. They created a "text to self" connections anchor chart, linking personal experiences to the stories.
Interactive read-alouds and retelling were highlights this term, particularly with the mentor text Mr. Huff, where students retold stories and discussed the events in sequence. Additionally, using Epic and Wushka platforms, they read various books and some students recorded themselves making predictions and reading texts on Dojo.
Throughout the term, we have emphasised fluency and phonological awareness, helping students blend, segment, and manipulate sounds in words to improve their reading skills.
We are proud of the progress our students have made and excited to see their continued growth in reading.
The Grade 1/2 students had two areas of focus this term in Writing. At the beginning of the Term students learned about Procedural Texts. Throughout this unit the students were exposed to different experiences where they participated in a procedure by following instructions to make something. The students then learned to apply the structure of a Procedural Text to write about their experience. They also learned about using different language features such as verbs and adverbs when writing.
Our major unit in Writing this term was Information Reports. During this unit the students learned about the structure and language features of an Informative Text. They also had the opportunity to research topic areas of interest to write their own Informative texts. Students learned about subheadings and how these are used to organise writing, as well as being able to include topic sentences to begin their writing.
This term, our grade 1/2 students have concentrated on Addition and Subtraction through our Number and Algebra focus. Students have been learning to add and subtract through a range of strategies including counting on, number lines, skip counting, doubling, and making tens.
They have enthusiastically participated in these maths activities in a hands-on manner, utilising collections of counters, teddies, and unifix blocks, and using dice in a range of maths games to practise these strategies. Students also learned about the features of Australian coins and notes where they have demonstrated their ability to identify and distinguish different denominations accurately.
Students have also been learning to measure length. Students have practised using their hands and feet to measure various objects within the classroom. They also enjoyed arranging themselves in a line from the tallest to the shortest within the classroom.
Lastly students also had a lot of fun exploring 2D shapes and transformations. They eagerly used their iPads to capture photos of different shapes around the school ground. Through this activity, students developed the ability to identify the shapes through their common features. Additionally they applied this knowledge to effectively sort shapes. Furthermore, students learnt about transformations, practising flipping, sliding and rotating 2D shapes observing and understanding the changes that occur during these processes.
We are excited to share with you the wonderful journey our students have embarked upon during this term's inquiry unit, "From All the Lands on Earth We Come." This unit has been a captivating exploration into the diverse cultures that shape our world. Through engaging activities and discussions, our students have deepened their understanding of their own cultural identities while embracing the richness of global diversity.
Throughout the unit, students have explored essential questions such as "How do I belong to my culture?" and "What is culture?" They engaged in a variety of activities to reflect on their own backgrounds and appreciate the traditions of others.
Highlights of our learning journey include:
- Analysing cultural differences and similarities using the book Mirror and practising the See-Think-Wonder strategy.
- Utilising Google Earth to explore geographical features and understand global diversity.
- Discussing the book I'm Australian Too and celebrating the diverse origins of our classmates and their families.
- Learning and performing traditional dances from various cultures, fostering an appreciation for global traditions.
- Exploring artefacts from different cultures using iPads and creating their own cultural artefacts such as African necklaces and Henna hands.
Throughout this unit, empathy and respect have been central themes. By sharing their own cultural stories and listening to those of their peers, students have developed a deeper understanding and appreciation for diverse cultural practices within our school community and beyond.
As we conclude this enriching journey, we look forward to the lasting impact it will have on our students' understanding of global citizenship and cultural appreciation.
Throughout Term 2, the Grades 1 and 2 students have been developing their understanding of water as one of Earth’s natural resources.
The Grades 1s and 2s have been practising their observation and recording skills whilst learning about the effects of water on different surfaces around the school. They have explored the many water sources within the school environment and have identified the varied reasons our school uses water. The Grades 1s and 2s have been learning about the journey that water goes through from a source, such as rivers and reservoirs, to its point of use - the tap. One of the main focuses this term has been for students to understand that water is one of Earth’s most valuable resources and that it needs to be used responsibly. Some of their work samples can be seen here:
Well Done grades 1 and 2 !
During this term, Grade 1/2’s learned about Auslan being a signed language using the hands, with no voice, which is used by the Deaf Community. They learned the Auslan Alphabet, and frequently used signs associated with Colours, Family, School, Farm Animals, and Describing Animals. Grade 1/2’s also learned to sign Numbers in Auslan using their dominant (writing) hand. This learning was introduced through explicit sign teaching videos, games, stories, and group practice. Learning Auslan involved both expressive (signing) and receptive understanding skills (reading back what others’ sign), hence activities were designed to develop these skills. Students were encouraged to participate in lesson related activities and shared their learning and understanding with their peers and teacher.
Grade 1 and 2 have produced some wonderful artworks this term. Students explored the element of line and how to form different lines (straight, wavy, curly, zigzag and spiral) to make shapes. They also identified and described lines which are horizontal, diagonal or vertical. Learning these skills provided opportunities for students to make connections between the artworks they were creating and the type of lines that they used e.g. drawing wavy lines could create waves in a sea landscape. Students applied their knowledge of lines and shapes to analyse how famous artists used these elements in the artworks they created. Grade 1 and 2 described the lines and shapes they used to create their own artworks. They also used different mediums, which included oil pastels, charcoal, paints and chalks in their artworks. You’ve worked really hard during Term 2 and created some fantastic artworks. Well done, Grade 1 and 2!
During this term the grade 1/2 students have focused on the sports of soccer and athletics to continue their development of the fundamental motor skills. In the soccer unit of work all students worked on the movement skill of kicking and tried to develop ball control while playing. During gameplay situations all students were able to showcase their skills and were able to work with others and participate in a team environment. Every student has been given the opportunity to play in games and use these problem-solving skills to achieve successful outcomes. All students did a great job of this. Once we finished this unit of work our students moved into our athletics unit of work which included looking at different events that are found in athletics carnivals. We focused on the throwing events such as shot put and discus. Everyone was able to practise and attempt both types of throws and were able to experience what is like partake in throwing events. In addition to this the whole school participated in a five-week dance program facilitated by stomp dance academy. This was enjoyed by all and was a source of excitement and fun for every student. In the final week of term, the whole school took part in athletics week. All students enjoyed this and it was great to see such high levels of school spirit throughout the week. Thank you to the house captains, and teachers for the support to run the weeks’ worth of events. This term was a blast for the grade 1/2 students. I can’t wait for what is to come in the second half of the year.
During Term 2, the students consolidated their understanding and application of the beat and distinguishing it from rhythm patterns. They did this through tapping the beat as they listened to music and sang songs. They played clapping games that supported this concept and explored the beat through body percussion, movement and playing percussion instruments. They practised copying and creating rhythmic patterns. The students explored pitch (high and low) using a range of pitched percussion instruments like boom-whackers and glockenspiels and discovered how the size of instruments and their parts relate to pitch. They applied pitch in story-telling activities, demonstrating different-sized characters with their voices and instruments. The students extended their experience of dynamics (soft and loud sounds) by singing, responding to music with movement and playing and experimenting with their voices and instruments. The students developed their understanding of tempo (speed) through learning new songs and listening and responding to a variety of music.