
In term 2, students read different fairy tales through the progression of the term. Students were asked to use their prior knowledge to re-tell or sequence a book in order of beginning, middle and end. Students worked on their prediction skills, using the “I predict” statement to state what they believed will happen next in the story they are reading. The commencement of reading groups also took place, where students were enabled to work in small groups with their own teacher, allowing for greater growth in the subject of reading. It is expected that prep students continue filling in their take-home readers, reading three skill-based texts and two free choice texts that they have chosen with the help of their home room teacher. It was an awesome term for our prep students that was full of growth!
During term 2, students constructed information reports on different farm animals. They began by collecting information on the different types of farm animals, delving into any prior knowledge the students may have had on these animals. They then went through the process of writing an information report. Students have continued the ‘Sounds Write’ program focusing on matching sounds to letters and forming 3 letter CVC words. This program is supplemented into the writing and reading subjects, allowing students to learn about all the different sounds the English language has to offer. Once a week, students were also offered the chance to immerse themselves in a language experience in the form of a recount. The students were able to construct a recount on any experience they have been involved in at school or even at home. For example, Students in prep wrote a recount of our experience in the sensory garden, touching on what we could see, smell, touch & feel in the first term.
In mathematics, students commenced term focusing firstly on comparing collections of objects from the numbers zero-ten. This was looked at for the first three weeks of the term. During that time, we also focused on the unit of time and recognising and ordering days of the week and connecting them with familiar events. The following three weeks, we progressed onto our pattern unit, constructing patterns using 2D shapes & maths materials in the classroom. This unit was accompanied by a length and height unit and getting used to using language such as “longer and shorter” To finish off the term, the grade prep cohort explored numbers 1-20 forwards and backwards and identified numbers before and after each other. Whilst learning this topic for three days, we also were learning how to name and describe 2-dimensional shapes. It has been a very busy term in prep mathematics!
Students continued their focus on respectful relationships in our social and emotional unit. This has informed students on how to deal with their emotions as well as their classmates. For inquiry, we learnt about different members of the community. Students focused on members such as police officers, paramedics, and fire officers. To finish off our inquiry unit. It has really been an enjoyable inquiry term for our preps!!
During Term 2, the Grade Preps have been investigating the weather in our world by learning about different weather conditions, and how they might affect some of the choices we make and the activities we do.
The Preps have been weather detectives whilst monitoring and describing the weather conditions at school, and whilst learning about weather symbols and how they help us to read weather reports. We have investigated how different weather conditions and temperatures affect our choice of clothing, and how weather conditions and temperatures change with each season. The Preps also investigated how the change of seasons affect trees and they created beautiful pictures to demonstrate their understanding. Some glimpses of their work can be seen here under:
Fantastic work and efforts Preps!
During this term. Grade Preps learned about Auslan being a signed language using the hands, with no voice, which is used by the Deaf Community. They learned the Auslan Alphabet, and frequently used signs associated with Colours, Family, School, Farm Animals, and Describing Animals. Grade Preps also learned to sign Numbers in Auslan using their dominant (writing) hand. This learning was introduced through explicit sign teaching videos, games, stories, and group practice. Learning Auslan involved both expressive (signing) and receptive understanding skills (reading back what others’ sign), hence activities were designed to develop these skills. Students were encouraged to participate in lesson related activities and shared their learning and understanding with their peers and teacher.
What wonderful artworks Preps produced in Term 2! This term, the Preps revised the routines and expectations in our classroom environment. Students consolidated their knowledge of the art element of colour which was covered in Term 1, and this was incorporated into activities. The main focus this term was the element of line. This included directed drawing and identifying and naming different types of lines e.g. horizontal, diagonal or vertical. Students explored how to form different types of lines (straight, wavy, curly, zigzag and spiral) to create shapes. A variety of lines were used to create their artworks. Students also used different mediums, which included oil pastels, charcoal, paints and chalks. Lots of exploring and fun was had and fabulous works of art were produced this term. Fantastic work, Preps!
During this term our grade prep students have continued their development and progress in Physical Education by working on the fundamental movement skills throughout each lesson. Each student has learnt new class games, how to work with others, and have begun to problem solve to become active participants in the learning. Some of the movement skills that we have worked on were, throwing, catching, running, jumping, skipping, and kicking. During each lesson, the students were all given ample opportunities to participate and show their understanding of the above skills. Some of the games that our students played were numbers sport, tag, feed the frogs, hopscotch, and spud. All these games promote teamwork, fair play, and have helped develop our student’s ability to follow rules. In addition to this the whole school participated in a five-week dance program facilitated by stomp dance academy. This was enjoyed by all and was a source of excitement and fun for every student. In the final week of term, the whole school took part in athletics week. All students enjoyed this and it was great to see such high levels of school spirit throughout the week. Thank you to the house captains, and teachers for the support to run the weeks’ worth of events. Well-done grade preps on a wonderful first half of the year, I can not wait to see what we can achieve in term 3!
In Music this term, Grade Preps continued to work on the topic of Sound. Students had the opportunity to consolidate their understanding of dynamics (loud and soft) and tempo (fast and slow.) Grade Preps explored deeper into the element of pitch (high and low) and they experimented making high and low sounds with their voices including singing songs with varied pitches. They also learned to identify pitch and used digital technology applications to access digital instruments. Grade Preps practised keeping a beat with percussion instruments and whole body percussion such as clapping, tapping knees and dancing. Students learned to recall rhythmic patterns and prepared for learning about rhythm in the next semester. Grade Preps were exposed to many songs including nursery rhymes to support their knowledge of pitch and beat. Congratulations on a wonderful term of Music, Grade Preps!